Search results for "trump"

Libertarian Party

Gov. Gary Johnson in double digits in Monmouth University poll

Gov. Gary Johnson, a candidate for the 2016 Libertarian Party presidential nomination, is polling at 11% in a three-way race against Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton and GOP front-runner Donald Trump, according to a Monmouth University poll this week.  Clinton was at 42 percent, Trump was at 34 percent, and Johnson was at 11 percent. Read articles covering the poll in […]

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Libertarian Party

Gary Johnson interviewed by the New York Times

Gary Johnson The New York Times ran a feature story on March 22 on Gary Johnson, a candidate for the 2016 Libertarian Party Presidential nomination. “…the anti-Trump movement’s only hope to save the party might be a Libertarian. According to Julia Azari, a professor of political science at Marquette University, a Trump victory would actually prove […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party Welcomes Refugees from the Republican and Democratic Parties

For Immediate Release Wednesday, March 16, 2016 It looks increasingly likely that Mr. Trump and Sec. Clinton will be the nominees for the Republican and Democratic Parties. Neither candidate is a friend to liberty. And freedom-loving Americans everywhere are deeply concerned. For quite some time, Pew Research Center polls have consistently shown that more Americans […]

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Libertarian Party

Huffington Post on Gov. Gary Johnson presidential campaign

Huffington Post Hill editor wrote: “If you’re a Republican who can’t stand to vote for Donald Trump, Gary Johnson might be your guy.” “…The way Johnson sees it, there’s a “vast middle” of the electorate that would be drawn to his socially liberal, economically conservative platform and turned off by the polarizing figures that are […]

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Libertarian Party

Reason and Richmond Times: The GOP’s Libertarian Party Option

​A column that originally appeared in the Richmond Times-Dispatch and posted at made the case for why the Libertarian Party is ​the anti-Trump ​alternative for Republicans​​​.​ “So revolting do many Republicans find the prospect of having Donald Trump as their nominee that three in 10 say they would not vote for him in November, […]

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Libertarian Party

Exclusive interview: Gary Johnson calls 2016 a “tipping point”

Governor Gary Johnson Glenn Davis of IVN: [2016 candidate for the Libertarian presidential nomination Gov. Gary Johnson said], “There are literally millions of Americans today who are libertarians, but frankly don’t know it. Their beliefs align with ours, and they just need a political home. We must make the LP that home.” And Johnson is not […]

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Libertarian Party

Open Letter to Muslim Republicans

For Immediate Release Monday, December 14, 2015 Dear Muslim Republicans, I share your outrage and hurt at Donald Trump’s recent comments and policy suggestions aboutMuslims.Ishare your outrage and hurt that he still is polling well among Republicans. I share youroutrage and hurtthat we should even have to discuss such matters. But obviously we do. Freedom […]

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Libertarian Party

Secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership trade bill lets foreign governments and foreign special interests control American medical care, banking, the Internet, and even civil liberties

For Immediate Release Friday, June 19, 2015 Republicans howled when Nancy Pelosi famously said, ‘We have to pass [Obamacare] so that you can find out what is in it.” Now GOP lawmakers, who control the U.S. House, are following suit in their passage of a new Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade bill. After rejecting an earlier […]

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