Dan Fishman, the 2018 Libertarian candidate for Massachusetts state auditor

Libertarian Dan Fishman was featured in the Newburyport Daily News about his 2018 campaign for Massachusetts state auditor. The coverage mentions his endorsement by 2016 Libertarian vice-presidential nominee Gov. Bill Weld for the office responsible for conducting audits of, and monitoring for fraud in, state programs, agencies, and contractors. Libertarian Marc Mercier’s bid for Governor’s Council was also mentioned.

From the Aug. 9 article, “Libertarians hope to shore up support in Massachusetts auditor’s race,” by Christian M. Wade:

The [Massachusetts] Libertarian Party received a boost from former Gov. Bill Weld’s vice presidential bid two years ago, and now it’s counting on a candidate for state auditor to help expand the party’s base.

Dan Fishman of Beverly is challenging incumbent state Auditor Suzanne Bump in the election Nov. 6.

Fishman said he believes voters have tired of the two-party system amid the bickering in Washington, D.C., and are giving [alternative] parties a new look.

“Republicans and Democrats are no longer interested in compromising with each other,” said Fishman, a Libertarian. “The two-party system is clearly broken.”

On the campaign trail, Fishman has criticized Bump for failing to detect a recent state police payroll scandal, not modernizing the office’s electronic records, and not conducting frequent audits of state agencies.

He says Bump has used the office for “political ax grinding” against Republican Gov. Charlie Baker.

Two years ago, Fishman challenged incumbent state Rep. Jared Parisella, D–Beverly, as a Libertarian on the United Independence Party ticket. He also served as New England campaign director for the Libertarian presidential bid of Gary Johnson and Weld.

Weld, a former Republican governor, said in a statement that a successful bid by Fishman would show “Libertarians have a critical role in solving the imbalance in government.”

In addition to Bump, Fishman will be on the November ballot with Republican Helen Brady of Concord and Edward Stamas, a Northampton science teacher running as a Green-Rainbow candidate.

The auditor’s office is tasked with reviewing the performance of state agencies and contractors, identifying fraud in public benefit programs, and working with communities to gauge the impact of unfunded mandates.

The job involves a four-year term and a $175,000 salary with benefits.

Bump, an Easton resident, is seeking a third term. She’s running on a platform of “increasing accountability and improving government performance.”

Noah Futterman, Bump’s campaign manager, said in a statement that the Democrat has “set a new standard for excellence in government accountability, and has identified more than $1.3 billion in savings, inefficiencies, misspending and fraud” while uncovering “record amounts of public benefit fraud.”

Cristina Crawford, who chairs the state’s Libertarian Party, said regardless of the outcome, she hopes to maintain the party’s designation heading into the 2020 presidential election cycle. The law requires [alternative] parties receive 3 percent of the vote in a statewide race to be recognized and have their candidates listed on the next ballot.

“We’ve never lost our party designation when we’ve had a statewide candidate on the ballot,” Crawford said. “We’re seeing a lot of support this election cycle.”

While Fishman is the Libertarian Party’s only statewide candidate, there are Libertarians running in other races.

Marc Mercier of Boxford is challenging incumbent Governor’s Councilor Eileen Duff, a Democrat, in the 5th District.

Libertarians were vying for several state legislative seats as well, but they weren’t able to get enough signatures to get on the ballot.

“It’s hard being a third-party candidate in Massachusetts or anywhere,” Crawford said. “And petitioning becomes more difficult when you’re recognized as a party.”

State law requires voters be registered with a specific party to vote in its primary, though unenrolled voters may affiliate on the spot. That means so-called “independent” voters, who number more than 2.4 million, can cast ballots in [any] of the three “major” parties’ primaries.

The Libertarian Party had 8,587 members as of February 2017 — or 0.19 percent of the state’s registered voters, according to Secretary of State Bill Galvin’s office.

Still, party officials say enrollment has jumped more than 12 percent in the past year.

“Percentage-wise, we are the fastest-growing political party in Massachusetts,” Fishman said. “Our numbers have been phenomenal.”

Independent parties come and go in Massachusetts, with challengers that seldom gain traction despite the fact that more than half of the state’s 4.3 million voters are political independents not registered as Democrats, Republicans or anything else.

An example of the seesaw existence of [alternative] parties is the Green-Rainbow Party, which regained recognition after three of its candidates — running for secretary of state, auditor and treasurer — received 4 percent of the vote in 2014.

Two years later, the party lost its designation after Green-Rainbow presidential candidate Jill Stein failed to get 3 percent of the vote.

Erin O’Brien, an associate professor and chairwoman of the political science department at the University of Massachusetts at Boston, said third-party candidates have always faced an uphill battle in the state. The current political climate makes that hill even steeper.

Many voters are reluctant to support a third-party candidate over fears that the vote will be squandered on a candidate who doesn’t stand a chance, she said.

“It’s a zero-sum game,” O’Brien said. “People want their vote to count, and in the era of Donald Trump, it’s hard to say that your vote doesn’t matter.”

Learn more about Fishman at his campaign website: AuditMassachusetts.com

Click here for the campaign website of Mercier for Governor’s Council.

Learn more about the Massachusetts Libertarian Party here: LPMass.org

Learn more about Libertarian ballot access here: LP.org/2018ballotaccess