Search results for "trump"

2018 Libertarian National Convention delegates

Libertarian convention breaks fundraising records, elects new officers

The recently concluded Libertarian National Convention, held in New Orleans, set attendance and fundraising records. Preliminary figures indicate that this year’s convention may have surpassed the 2016 presidential nominating convention in both attendance and fundraising. Delegates elected a new slate of party officers, including reelecting Nicholas Sarwark to an unprecedented third consecutive term as chair […]

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2018 Libertarian National Convention

Libertarian presidential hopefuls: Now there are 2 … or 3?

Both Adam Kokesh and Gov. Bill Weld have been appearing at numerous state Libertarian Party conventions this year, and now both have attended the party’s biennial national convention, which ran through July 3 at the Hyatt Regency in New Orleans. Kokesh has announced he will seek the Libertarian Party nomination for president. Although Weld has […]

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Ed Clark and David Koch 1980 Libertarian Party presidential campaign button

David Koch, we owe you. Signed, Liberty

David Koch, the Libertarian Party’s 1980 vice presidential candidate, recently retired from his roles at Koch Industries and Koch-affiliated groups because of ongoing illness. All too frequently, kudos for a life purposefully and masterfully dedicated to the advancement of human liberty come in the form of an obituary. Libertarians would like to salute the leadership […]

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Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Feds lose and abuse massive numbers of immigrant children

Hopelessly complex immigration laws make it nearly impossible for people seeking a better life to live and work legally in the United States, and deprive our country of the economic expansion that immigrants bring. As several recently publicized cases demonstrate, these draconian immigration restrictions also lead to widespread negligence and abuse within the enforcement system, […]

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American foreign policy should seek an America at peace with the world.

A missed opportunity for Korean peace

North Korea and South Korea have technically been at war since 1950. The recent historic meeting of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in in the demilitarized zone provides ample evidence that both North Korea and South Korea want peace. The scheduled summit between Kim and President Donald Trump in Singapore […]

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The Constitution and Bill of Rights shall not be suspended even during time of war.

7 reasons not to confirm Gina Haspel as CIA director

On March 13, President Donald Trump announced his nomination of Gina Haspel to be director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Haspel is an especially controversial choice because she used torturous “enhanced interrogation techniques” when she managed a secret CIA prison in Thailand during the early 2000s, and allegedly destroyed evidence of torture after the fact. […]

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Education is best provided by the free market...

Executive order to pull feds out of K–12 education a good start

In late April, President Donald Trump signed the “Education Federalism Executive Order,” which directs Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos to conduct a 300-day review of whether to rescind regulations and guidance documents that mandate top-down K–12 education policies and limit educational options at the state, local, and family levels. This could arguably include the majority […]

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Split screen with Richard Fields on left in suit tie and earbud headset, labeled 'Richard Fields' and Chuck Morse on right in plaid shirt and headset with large microphone, labeled 'Chuck Morse' (color screenshot image)

LNC press secretary discusses Libertarian advances on Chuck Morse radio show

LNC Press Secretary Richard Fields recently appeared on “Left–Right Radio,” a web-based radio show hosted by Chuck Morse, a conservative journalist, author, former politician, and YouTube personality based in Boston, Mass. On the April 13 program, called “Libertarian Party on the march,” Fields discusses how he got involved with the Libertarian Party (LP) back in 1972, […]

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Mark Tippetts for governor of Texas

Texas Libertarians nominate Mark Tippetts for governor

The Libertarian Party of Texas nominated Mark Tippetts as its candidate for governor of Texas on April 14, after a four-way race. Tippetts, a successful businessman living just outside Austin, most recently served on the Lago Vista City Council. He ran for Travis County judge in 2010. The Tippets for governor campaign website is […]

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