US intervention won’t cure Venezuela’s socialist disease
In a speech in Miami on Feb. 18, President Donald Trump addressed the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. He correctly pointed out that the people of Venezuela are afflicted by the malady of tyrannical socialism, a sociopolitical disease introduced by deceased...
Trump’s only ‘national emergency’ is keeping his base happy
On the afternoon of Feb. 14, Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced on the floor of the Senate that President Donald Trump plans to sign the bipartisan bill that will keep the federal government open and simultaneously declare a “national...
Important: IT security
To the friends and members of the LP: We care about your privacy as much as you do, and that is the purpose of this email. Please take a moment to read this. Someone has been sending fake emails that claim to be from LP National staff and/or LNC members. We also have...
Important special election for Libertarian Bill Hunt in RI
Fellow Libertarians, My name is Jeff Lyons, and I am the Region 8 (Northeast) representative to the Libertarian National Committee and a lifetime member of the Libertarian Party. I am writing today to tell you about my friend Billy Hunt, who is again running for a...
Americans are ready for the Libertarian Party
Republicans and Democrats often have a stranglehold on the U.S. political process, but Americans are ready for that to change. According to a Politico/Morning Consult poll conducted in early February, more than half of all voters in the United States believe a third...
Huge press hit, 2 notable polls!
Dear Libertarian, What a week! Earlier this week, County Supervisor Jeff Hewitt delivered the Libertarian Party’s State of the Union. It was a message about the tremendous human progress that has been enabled by institutions that protect property rights, contracts,...
The Libertarian Party’s 2019 State of the Union Address
Delivered by Jeff Hewitt, Elected Libertarian Board of Supervisors, Riverside County, Calif. The Constitution requires that the president “shall from time to time give to Congress information of the State of the Union.” This is one of the simplest and least...
Ballot access for our 2020 presidential nominee
Dear Libertarian, The Libertarian Party came out of the 2018 midterm elections with the best ballot access for any third party since 1914! We currently have ballot access for our 2020 presidential ticket in 33 states and DC. This is a major accomplishment, of which we...
Convention theme contest update
Dear Libertarian, The pre-season (theme submission phase) of our 2020 Pay-to-Play Libertarian National Convention Theme Contest has come to a close with 63 submissions, resulting in 58 unique themes, and more than $1,949 raised toward convention expenses so far....
Patients should remain free to choose kratom
The herbal supplement known as kratom has become a popular over-the-counter alternative treatment for chronic pain. Some people also claim it’s effective at alleviating symptoms of coughing, diarrhea, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress. Although...