The Libertarian Party is built on a foundation of individual liberty, personal responsibility, and limited government. Libertarians believe that every individual has the right to live as they choose, provided they respect the rights of others to do the same. Our platform emphasizes free markets, non-aggression in foreign policy, and the importance of protecting civil liberties for all. Below, you’ll find a library of issues facing our country today and an overview of how the Libertarian Party would address each of them. We invite you to explore these topics and learn how a commitment to freedom and principled governance can create a better future for everyone.
Property Rights
The Libertarian Party defines all human rights within the context of property rights, starting with self-ownership, and stemming outward with individual physical property. In...
End the War on Poverty
The U.S. spent over $1.6 trillion in welfare in 2022 alone, which is $1.2 trillion more than what was spent on welfare in the early 1960s when the War on Poverty began. There are...
Immigration Reform
Immigration has reached a crisis primarily due to perverse incentives that the government has created between state welfare, and foreign interventionist policies and actions, by...
Medical Freedom
Government vaccine mandates for Covid-19 around the world forced medical experimentation onto unwilling subjects. Through fear-based propaganda, governments lied to people to get...
Justice Reform
The Libertarian Party demands the repeal of all criminal laws which punish someone who has not infringed upon the physical body or outer property rights of another, or who has...
Drug Legalization
The War on Drugs is a war on all of us. Drug offenses are the leading cause for arrest in the United States with over 1 million arrests in 2020 for possession alone. Some 2.5...
Rights and Discrimination
Trade, commerce and markets are the greatest tool for bringing diverse people together for mutual benefit, cultural understanding, and friendship. When you remove barriers to...
Self Defense
Guns are not a problem in America. Culture, over-reliance on police, and barriers to gun ownership for non-violent persons, are a problem in America. Americans, in decades past,...
When monopolies exist, outcomes for those forced to use them suffer. This is a truth for any industry, and education is no different. When variations are allowed to flourish in...
Environment / Energy Resources
Technological advancement has been the key to protecting the ecosystem and environment from the beginning of the industrial era. This is not hypocritical to say. While pollutants...
National Debt and the Robbery of American Citizens
The National Debt is one of the greatest assaults on American liberty, prosperity and stability that has ever taken place in history. Our government has grown from one of the...
Economic Liberty
America and humanity as a whole is being held back by government regulation and interference in what must be a free market of goods, services, ideas and trade. The...
Parental Rights
Rights of families, and the existence of family units are under threat from a government bent on becoming the new patriarch. This means dividing families through unjust laws,...
Expression, Communication, and Censorship
When the Libertarian Party ends the government war being waged upon every citizen over what we understand as truth, we will give Americans back their power of self-ownership and...
Minimum Wage and Enacting Federal “Right to Work” Legislation
The minimum wage has been used as a tool to buy votes, under the guise of providing a “living wage.” However, what politicians don’t tell you is that every time the minimum wage...
Deregulated Healthcare, an End to the FDA, and Regulated Insurance
Healthcare costs in America are the highest in the world. American cancer survival rates are also the highest in the world. These two things are both connected, however do not...
National Defense and Ending the War State
The Libertarian Party knows that national defense is a priority for many Americans, and that freedom sometimes comes with the cost of defending that freedom. However, our runaway...
Personal Liberty
Libertarians will deliver freedom of choice in every aspect of your life, leading to the greatest outcome for the greatest number of people. Diversity of choice and outcome...
An End to Taxation
Libertarians want this crony, convoluted, time-wasting system to end, and they want to do so in a way that doesn’t make our lives more chaotic in the process. To get there, we...