Search results for "border"

Libertarian Party

Dallas Voice: Libertarian challenging Sessions for Congress

Ed Rankin From the Dallas Voice on August 26: “Ed Rankin has run for Congress before, but this year, he believes, some ‘interesting dynamics are lining up’ that give him a better shot at winning a seat in Congress. “In the last election, Democrat Frank Perez received 35 percent of the vote in his bid […]

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Libertarian Party

Washington LP has statewide candidate and 10 legislative candidates advance to the general election

The Washington Libertarian Party had a candidate for statewide office and 10 legislative candidates advance from the top-two primary on August 2, who will be on the general election ballot in November. Attorney General candidate Steve Trumbull has officially picked up almost 342,000 votes, for 27.4 percent of the vote. He finished second of two candidates […]

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Libertarian Party

Nevada Assistant State Controller switches to LP

Geoffrey Lawrence Geoffrey Lawrence, the Nevada Assistant State Controller, switched his affiliation to the Libertarian Party. Lawrence made the announcement during a speech delivered at the Gary Johnson/Bill Weld rally in Reno, NV on August 5. Geoffrey Lawrence works with the Nevada Policy Research Institute and contributes to Nevada Business Magazine. John Moore, a legislator in the […]

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Libertarian Party

Former NJ state treasurer supporting Gary Johnson and Bill Weld

Andrew Sidamon-Eristoff Former New Jersey state treasurer Andrew Sidamon-Eristoff​ announced on August 9 that he is supporting the Libertarian Party presidential and vice presidential nominees, Gary Johnson and William Weld, this November. In an e-mail message to New Jersey Libertarian Party chair Patrick McKnight, Mr. Sidamon-Eristoff wrote, “I wanted to introduce myself and let you know […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians Rubén Corvalán and Lorenzo Gaztañaga interviewed on CNN en Español

Libertarios Rubén Corvalán y Lorenzo Gaztañaga entrevistados en CNN en español Last week Café CNN, CNN’s morning Spanish language news program, featured interviews of Rubén Corvalán, Libertarian candidate for U.S. House of Representatives in Texas and long-time Maryland activist and former candidate, Lorenzo Gaztañaga.  ​ ​Watch interviews here: ​Observe ambas entrevistas aqui:   Ruben Corvalan interview […]

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Libertarian Party

LP News July 2016 issue is now online

The July issue of LP News is ready to view online. Click here to read coverage of our presidential nominating convention, Libertarian candidates’ bold pledges, national and affiliate party news, ballot access updates, Libertarian solutions, and more.

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Libertarian Party

LNC vice chair: Message to all Bernie Sanders supporters

Arvin Vohra From Libertarian National Committee Vice Chair Arvin Vohra: “To all Sanders supporters, “So many of you supported Senator Sanders because of his opposition to the War on Drugs. You know that ending the War on Drugs will make America safer by eliminating prohibition-related violence and allowing drug businesses to settle their disputes in […]

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Libertarian Party

War on Drugs

Libertarians believe that the War on Drugs is ineffective, unfair, and immoral. We advocate ending it. The War on Drugs is ineffective at limiting access to dangerous drugs and, instead, empowers dangerous gangs that make incredible fortunes on the black market for these illegal drugs. The War on Drugs has imprisoned millions of non-violent people. This is unfair […]

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Libertarian Party


Libertarians advocate free-market education where parents, teachers, and students, not the government, should make their own choices on education. One-size-fits-all education, as mandated by the Department of Education, is holding America’s children back. Every child is different. Every community is different. Education should be chosen to fit the needs of each child and situation and […]

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Libertarian Party

Crime and Justice

Libertarians believe that the existing justice system is seriously flawed. One of the biggest problems we face today is that many things that should not be considered crimes are labeled as crimes. Worse yet, many of these actions are punished more harshly than are violent crimes. Libertarians believe that the label of “crime” should be limited […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party to Democrats: It's cruel to be kind

For Immediate Release Tuesday, July 26, 2016 Libertarian Party Chair Nicholas Sarwark released the following statement today: Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders, and other speakers at the Democratic National Convention are espousing the virtue of love and the need to take care of our fellow man, suggesting that this can be accomplished through government […]

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Libertarian Party

LNC chair interviewed on Paul Molloy Show

Nicholas Sarwark Libertarian National Committee chair Nicholas Sarwark was interviewed on the Paul Molloy Show on July 20, to discuss the recent police shootings and the War on Drugs. Click here to listen to the interview (begins at 11:30).

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