
As of the day I wrote this, Ross Ulbricht, a first time offender, is serving 2 life sentences without parole for non-violent charges. Ross has always been a strong advocate for free markets, and when he created the Silk Road, he believed he was creating a free market that operated online with complete privacy, and used digital currency.

He was never prosecuted for causing harm or bodily injury.

Back in June, Nicholas Sarwark and I sent the following letter to the President asking him for leniency for Ross Ulbricht, and appealing to his sense of justice.

LP Ross Ulbricht Clemency L… by Executive Director on Scribd

Ross wrote back to us:

Letter from Ross by Executive Director on Scribd

Ross has currently been in prison for days

If you think that’s a problem, consider writing to your congressperson or to the President with a letter urging clemency for Ross. And if you want to really shake things up, help us elect Libertarians. Your donation below helps us run bigger, more visible campaigns and helps get free market advocates like Ross elected to office.

And just maybe, if we shake enough trees, Ross can be set free.