Search results for "border"

Libertarian Party

LNC Board Meeting – Alexandria, VA, April 16-17

The Libertarian National Committee met in Alexandria, Virginia this past weekend. The agenda inculded establishing a budget for fiscal year 2011, planning for 2012, and discussing ideas to grow the party. They also discussed funding for ballot access measures throughout the country. I talked with a handful of board members who were all very pleasant […]

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Libertarian Party

Tom Woods on declaring war

Tom Woods, a senior fellow of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, has made a short video to rebut arguments that the U.S. President has the authority to initiate wars. Click here to view the video at YouTube.

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Libertarian Party

LP at Students for Sensible Drug Policy Conference

from Stephen Palubinsky, LP Social Media Development Assistant On Saturday March 19th, several LP representatives attended the Students for Sensible Drug Policy Conference held on the grounds of the University of Maryland – College Park. Approximately 400 passionate students attended the conference in order to learn more about the failed War on Drugs. These students […]

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Libertarian Party

The Gay Agenda

The Libertarian Party of Texas’s Chairman, Pat Dixon, wrote an excellent piece and with his permission I am reposting it here on the original post may be found here. "I don’t know why you feel compelled to support a queer lifestyle when there are so many more important items on our agenda. Homosexuality is […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian response to State of the Union and Republicans

For Immediate Release Tuesday, January 25, 2011 WASHINGTON – This evening, Libertarian Party Executive Director Wes Benedict spoke in response to the addresses from President Barack Obama and Congressman Paul Ryan. A transcript of Mr. Benedict’s speech follows: Good evening and thank you for your interest in the State of our Union. My name is […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian chair "sort of" commends Obama's Cuba decision

For Immediate Release Tuesday, January 18, 2011 WASHINGTON – Mark Hinkle, Chairman of the Libertarian Party, sort of commends President Obama for his decision to just barely ease travel restrictions and restrictions on sending private financial assistance to the people suffering under the socialist government of Cuba. Hinkle said, “The president has shown less-than-tremendous courage […]

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