2018 Money Bomb

2018 Money Bomb

  Dear Libertarian, I have exciting news for you. Recently, we told you about a new hire, Cara Schulz, who has joined our team and is focusing on candidate recruitment nationwide. Today, I’m delighted to share more happy news: Apollo Pazell is joining our...


Dear Libertarian, As you know, yesterday was Election Day. Because 2017 is an odd-numbered year, there weren’t as many races going on around the country as in even-numbered years but we did have Libertarian candidates representing us in a number of partisan and...
Tax cuts without spending cuts benefit no one

Tax cuts without spending cuts benefit no one

Senate Republicans are finally marking up their tax reform plan. It’s still unclear what the details may be after lobbyists have had their say and the parochial interests of GOP senators are satisfied, but a few themes are becoming clear. The corporate tax rate would...
Stocking Stuffers

Stocking Stuffers

Starting to think about holiday shopping? LP Store has a variety of products, ready for holiday giving. Below are few that are particularly good as stocking stuffers. For a limited time this holiday season, enjoy FREE SHIPPING at LPStore.org. Use coupon code...