Great news!

Great news!

Dear Libertarian, I have great news! Last week, I emailed you that we were close to having the best first quarter revenues in over a decade. A generous donor had offered to match $5,000 and many members jumped at the chance to have their donation doubled and be part...
Defensive gun use saves lives

Defensive gun use saves lives

Gun violence is both tragic and memorable. Everybody can relate to the loss of life as families and communities are shattered, and the details of mass shootings are repeated endlessly in news stories. In some cases, though, people are able to defend themselves and the...


Dear Libertarian, As you can tell from recent emails and events, our party is in a period of growth. Our voter registrations are soaring, our candidate recruitment is booming, and we have great prospects for 2018 and beyond. Our fundraising has also been doing very...