Dear Libertarian,

As you can tell from recent emails and events, our party is in a period of growth. Our voter registrations are soaring, our candidate recruitment is booming, and we have great prospects for 2018 and beyond.

Our fundraising has also been doing very well, as many generous Libertarians have been excited about this growth and have pitched in to help fuel it.

In fact, right now we are very close to having our best first quarter revenues in over 10 years!

As the party grows, so does the workload, and we need to continue to grow our fundraising in order to do many of the important things that need doing: recruiting candidates, reaching out to the press, upgrading IT systems for the national party and state parties, supporting candidates, and so much more.

Will you join me today in helping us have our best first quarter in over 10 years?

Any donation helps. I’m pitching in myself, as generously as I am able, and I hope you’ll do the same.

We are currently less than $23,000 away from that goal, with the gap narrowing every day!

Taking on the Rs and Ds takes teamwork, and I hope you’ll be part of our team today, and help take this party to new heights.

Thanks for your support and generosity.

Lauren Daugherty
Head of Development