Release: Indiana GOP Punishes Libertarians for Rainwater Success
CALL TO ACTION: If you are in Indiana use this link to contact your state rep BEFORE 2PM EST today! Ask them to support the Nisly amendment to HB1134 or to push HB 1134 to Study Session! Share for Hoosiers who want to protect voter choice! What’s happening in...Spike Cohen and Kennedy Discuss Fallout of Capitol Riots
Former Vice-Presidential candidate Spike Cohen appeared Thursday on the FOX Business channel’s “Kennedy” to discuss what the fallout may be from the Capitol riots of January 6. “This is what government does: They fail, they use their failure as...Statement on Jan. 6th Capitol Violence
On Wednesday, January 6, as the U.S. Capitol building was being breached, Libertarian National Committee Chair Joe Bishop-Henchman issued the following statement: “This is not patriotism. This is not protesting. This is reprehensible violence and aggression and...Protected: Rainwater calls for accountability, end to Indiana COVID-19 orders
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