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Libertarian Party

LNC chair quoted in Atlantic article

Libertarian National Committee chair Nicholas Sarwark was quoted in an article entitled America’s Conservative Political Crisis at on May 13. “Nicholas Sarwark, the chairman of the Libertarian Party, one of the most well-known U.S. third parties, is optimistic that the Republican Party will indeed self-destruct. He is quick to note that the Libertarian Party […]

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Libertarian Party

Truthout: Third Parties Eager to Disrupt the Presidential Race and the Two-Party System

Libertarian National Committee chair Nicholas Sarwark was briefly interviewed in Truthout online on May 15. “Nicholas Sarwark, the chairman of the Libertarian Party, which supports some of the same political ideas that propelled Ron Paul’s fiery campaign in 2012, said Trump is fueling an ‘astounding’ exodus from the GOP. “We’ve been sort of noodling around […]

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Libertarian Party

Another Republican media pundit defects to the Libertarian Party

Krista Kafer Click here to hear Krista Kafer, radio host for 710 KNUS in Denver, Colorado, counter her co-host, Steve Kelly, as she explains why she left the GOP for the Libertarian Party. Her announcement was also covered on Colorado Public Radio. Kafer is a columnist for the Denver Post, and writes policy statements for […]

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Libertarian Party

The Atlantic: Is This the Libertarian Party’s Moment?

The Atlantic ran an article about the Libertarian Party on May 9: “To the uninitiated, which is to say, most everyone, the Libertarian Party has been a political nonentity. Sure, voters might know a few of the top-line principles—limited government, limited economic regulation, a lot of individual liberty—but chances are they have not given much […]

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Libertarian Party

George Stephanopoulos interviews Gary Johnson on ABC’s ‘This Week’

Candidate for the 2016 Libertarian Party presidential nomination Gary Johnson was interviewed on the ABC Sunday news show “This Week with George Stephanopolous” on May 8. “Donald Trump’s new status as the presumptive Republican nominee has some ‘Never Trump’ conservatives calling for a new third-party candidate, but Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson says they should consider […]

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Libertarian Party

Bad news, good news for Cruz, Kasich supporters

For Immediate Release Wednesday, May 4, 2016 For Ted Cruz and John Kasich supporters, the Libertarian Party says the candidates’ withdrawal from the GOP presidential race is both bad news and good news. The bad news is their candidates will not win the GOP nomination. The good news for fiscal conservatives is that the Libertarian […]

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Libertarian Party

USA Today: Libertarian leader says time is now for third-party run

From USA Today on April 11: “While one major presidential candidate waffles on the possibility of a third-party run, another established White House hopeful is prepping for the kind of outsider campaign that at least one poll expert believes could be viable in 2016. “Fresh off a surprisingly strong showing in a recent Monmouth University […]

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Libertarian Party

USA Today: A 3-way presidential race?

“The Libertarian Party already is on track to be on every state ballot this fall. Party chairman Nicholas Sarwark, 36, whose family owns an independent car dealership in Phoenix, says more than one of this year’s presidential contenders have been in touch to express interest in the Libertarian nomination. He won’t name names or even […]

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Libertarian Party

Reason: A better choice for 2016

John Stossel “Trump! Clinton! Is that all there is? No. Fortunately, we have other choices. “A recent poll shows that if the election were held today, 11 percent of Americans would vote for a Libertarian, former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson. That’s surprising, since last election Johnson got just 1 percent of the vote. “This […]

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Libertarian Party

NBC News: Will Republicans Find Solace in The Libertarian Party?

From NBC News on March 24: “As the Republican Party grapples with a potential Donald Trump nomination, third parties – especially those with established infrastructures and widespread ballot access – could become an avenue for alternatives. “The split in the Republican Party over Trump’s candidacy has opened up a wide range of possibilities if a […]

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