Search results for "border"

kc-star feat

Sharon Dubois: Libertarians offer a choice of freedom

Sharon Dubois Vice Chair, LP Kansas From a column by Sharon DuBois, vice chairwoman of the Kansas LP, published in the Kansas City Star: With the turmoil surrounding the new administration escalating, this seems to be a good time to remind the public that their choices are not limited to the duopoly commonly presented to the voters. […]

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Hodgkinson feat

Kansas Libertarians vie for nomination in rare special election for US House

LPKS Chair Rob Hodgkinson Taking advantage of a rare opportunity, the Kansas Libertarian Party (LPKS) will hold a convention in U.S. House District 4 on February 11 to nominate a candidate for the congressional seat vacated by Congressman Mike Pompeo, who has been confirmed to be Director of the CIA. Three Libertarians have announced their intention to […]

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Libertarian Party accuses Senate subcommittee of aiding child sex traffickers

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) “Politicians love to grandstand ‘for the children,’ even when their policies destroy children’s lives,” said Nicholas Sarwark, Chair of the Libertarian Party, in response to a US Senate subcommittee’s dragging representatives of, a classified advertising website, into a hearing. On January 10, the senators succeeded in forcing Backpage to shut […]

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Image of front page of LP News, December 2016 issue (color graphic)

LP News December 2016 issue is now online

The December issue of LP News is ready to view online. Click here to read coverage of our record-breaking election results, campaign activities, candidate endorsements, national and affiliate party accomplishments, ballot access for 2018, and more.   Note: This web edition reflects updates made to election-related stories since the print edition was published.

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Undecided voters are ready for YOU

  Dear fellow Libertarian, There may never be another election in our lifetime when so many voters have remained undecided this late in the election. There may never be so many people showing up at the polls on Election Day who are still undecided. The sample ballot or hand card you give them that day […]

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Libertarian Party


Some Libertarians enjoy using Bitcoin, a decentralized digital currency. The Libertarian Party accepts Bitcoin donations through the services of BitPay. Although BitPay cannot currently handle automatic recurring monthly donations, you may donate through this system as often as you wish ($10,000 daily maximum, $35,500 annual maximum). Choose a Donation Amount $ Name Email Address Apt/Suite No. City […]

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Libertarian Party

Jon Bombach for comptroller aims to fix Baltimore’s financial mess

Jon Bombach It’s an uphill battle. But Libertarian Jon Bombach is determined to take on the crony capitalism he believes is plaguing Baltimore. “In every neighborhood I lived in — from Seton Hill to Little Italy — people shared the same stories,” he recalls.   “Business owners facing stiff regulations. Basic services not being met.”   But he saw […]

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Libertarian Party

Dick Heller endorses DC Libertarian candidate

Washington, DC — 2016 Libertarian candidate for U.S. Delegate for the District of Columbia and long-time community activist Martin Moulton secured the endorsement of Dick Heller, successful plaintiff in a landmark case (District of Columbia v. Heller, 2008) in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution protects an individual’s right to possess a […]

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Libertarian Party

Charleston Gazette-Mail endorses WV Libertarian for statewide office

John Buckley The Charleston Gazette-Mail, the daily newspaper of the largest city in West Virginia, endorsed Libertarian John Buckley for Secretary of State on October 20. “The secretary of state is a relatively small office, but is in charge of overseeing state elections and registering businesses. Those are two big responsibilities, and should not be […]

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