Search results for ""Wes Benedict""

Libertarian Party

Need your help

Dear Friend of Liberty, I need your help for some upcoming ballot access battles. I want you to help me raise $45,000 for this online in 45 days. Please donate today. The Libertarian Party is considering petition drives for 2014 in Illinois and New York, and possibly will help in other places. The Libertarian National […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: Veterans Day

Dear Friend of Liberty, Today I visited the Vietnam War Memorial to observe a Veterans Day ceremony. I am thankful for the men and women, some of whom are Libertarians, who have been brave enough to fight for our freedoms. I’m also thankful for the men and women who have been brave enough to question […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: Stop Watching Us

Dear Friend of Liberty, Watch on YouTube! “It’s scary when the libertarian is the best speaker at an event like this. He was good!” That’s basically what the “progressive” standing next to me said after Gov. Gary Johnson’s speech to the Stop Watching Us rally. A coalition of more than 100 organizations from across the […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: All-time interest in third party

Dear Friend of Liberty, Gallup released a poll last Thursday with the headline “In U.S., Perceived Need for Third Party Reaches New High.” According to the report, “60% of Americans say the Democratic and Republicans parties do such a poor job of representing the American people that a third major party is needed.” The report […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: World War II Memorial poll

Dear Friend of Liberty, There’s been lots of news coverage, political posturing, and heated debate over the president’s closing and barricading of the World War II Memorial during the government so-called “shutdown.” Many people, including WWII Veterans, have crossed the barricades in defiance. Of course, we know this is only a temporary 27 percent slowdown, […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: Facebook Fans blow past 400,000

Dear Friend of Liberty, Many thanks to everyone who helped us reach our goal of $4,725 for our Legal Offense fund in less than 24 hours. That will help with our current appeal to the United States Supreme Court — and will help for the next fight we pick. On another positive note, last week […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: How to stop Obamacare?

Dear Friend of Liberty, Wes Benedict, Executive Director Libertarian National Committee Last week, a gentleman wrote to me that he had found out at a company meeting that Obamacare was negatively going to affect him and his family and that he needed to start doing something to get this stopped. He asked, “What can I […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: Elected Libertarian list

Dear Friend of Liberty, Nationwide, there are 142 Libertarians holding elected public office. Thirty-nine of them are partisan offices, and 103 are nonpartisan offices. You can view the entire list here. If you know of an elected Libertarian who is not on this list, email us at Please include the words “elected libertarian” in […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: See Sarvis run!? 2013 list

Dear Friend of Liberty, Rob Sarvis, LP Virginia Candidate for Governor Robert Sarvis is getting so much publicity by running for governor! He’s a perfect example of how you can amplify your voice for liberty a thousand times by running for office! From the Richmond Times-Dispatch to Fox News to Public Radio, Sarvis is there. […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: New E.D., Carla Howell

Dear Friend of Liberty, It has been a pleasure serving as your Executive Director for the past 2 1/2 years. I feel like we’ve accomplished a lot over this time, and I thank you all for your support of the LP. However, in September I gave 90 days notice that I was leaving the job […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians say Bill of Rights Day is reminder of need to downsize Big Government

For Immediate Release Thursday, December 15, 2011 WASHINGTON – Today, December 15, libertarians celebrate Bill of Rights Day. On December 15, 1791 the Bill of Rights was ratified, creating the first Ten Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. The Libertarian Party platform expressly supports the Bill of Rights and calls for restoring our freedoms lost as […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: Libertarian Party turns 40

December 12, 2011 Dear Friend of Liberty, Yesterday, December 11, was the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Libertarian Party. Here’s a press release about the 1971 speech that inspired the Libertarian Party’s founders. I’m proud that the Libertarian Party has maintained such a tenacious presence in American politics for the last 40 years.

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