Thanks to Carla Howell for her service as national LP political director
Carla Howell’s contract to serve as political director for the Libertarian National Committee (LNC) ends on June 30. On behalf of the many Libertarians who have benefited from her contributions, we thank her for her service. Carla Howell has had a strong positive...

Ballot Access Update
Ballot access is one of the most critical functions of the national party. Libertarians and Libertarian candidates across America benefit when we can say that EVERY American voter has the opportunity to vote Libertarian. 50 state ballot access is much more powerful...

Ballot Access Update
Ballot access is one of the most critical functions of the national party. Libertarians and Libertarian candidates across America benefit when we can say that EVERY American voter has the opportunity to vote Libertarian. 50 state ballot access is much more powerful...

4th of July Sale!
Are you considering doing some Libertarian activism around Independence Day? July 4th will be here soon, so if you need materials, order them today! A long-standing Libertarian favorite for this holiday is distributing copies of the Declaration of Independence at...

4th of July Sale!
Are you considering doing some Libertarian activism around Independence Day? July 4th will be here soon, so if you need materials, order them today! A long-standing Libertarian favorite for this holiday is distributing copies of the Declaration of Independence at...

Choose Freedom — The Libertarian Party

Special Event – Recruiting Candidates
You are invited to a special conference call on Recruiting Candidates with Wes Benedict & Bob Johnston Wednesday, June 14 5 PM Pacific 6 PM Mountain 7 PM Central 8 PM Eastern To RSVP, click here, fill out the form, and we will provide you with the call-in...

Key projects
We are working on laying the foundation for big things for future elections, including 2018 and 2020. What we do now greatly influences our abilities to take advantage of opportunities later, many of which we cannot even predict now. Here are some key projects...

Libertarian Party condemns government persecution of Bitcoin exchange vendor
First they came for those who traded Liberty Dollars, and I said nothing— because I had no Liberty Dollars. Then they came for Bitcoin exchange vendors, and I said nothing— because I had no bitcoins. Then they came for the rest of us whose only currency was Federal...

Special Event – Outreach to Gender & Sexual Minorities
You are invited to a special conference call about Outreach to Gender & Sexual Minorities featuring Outright Libertarians Chair Mike Shipley Tuesday, June 6 6 PM Pacific 7 PM Mountain 8 PM Central 9 PM Eastern To RSVP, click here, fill out the form, and we will...