

Dear Fellow Libertarian, The Libertarian Party has a proud heritage of being bold in ideas and bold in action. We do so with the confident recognition that liberty is the boldest ideal of them all. We take a stance on a policy or practice of government not because our...

Silent auction

Silent auction

Dear Libertarian, I’m Jess Mears with the Libertarian Party and in just a few weeks, our #ImTHATLibertarian 2018 Libertarian National Convention will be taking place in New Orleans. If you haven’t been to a national convention before, I hope this year will be your...

David Koch, we owe you. Signed, Liberty

David Koch, the Libertarian Party’s 1980 vice presidential candidate, recently retired from his roles at Koch Industries and Koch-affiliated groups because of ongoing illness. All too frequently, kudos for a life purposefully and masterfully dedicated to the...

Join us for the Libertarian event of the year!

Join us for the Libertarian event of the year!

If you are attending the 2018 Libertarian National Convention and haven't bought a ticket to the Gala yet, please consider doing so soon! This event has generated so much excitement and we're having to expand the room to seat all the folks who plan to attend! Jeffrey...