Search results for "border"

Libertarian Party

LP Social Networks

Down at the bottom-right of the Web site, we have our list of Social Networking sites.  I would once again like to invite you to check out and join these networks.  Our Facebook and

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Libertarian Party

A Message to Obama

Today’s "Monday Message" is primarily one for President-Elect Barack Obama.  Though the Bush administration, which has undoubtedly been one of the worst in American history, will be leaving office on Jan. 20, there is little room for celebration as Obama looks to take over as commander-in-chief.  Obama’s attitude towards wealth, the marketplace and economics is […]

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Libertarian Party

Obama’s new “Raw Deal”

"The 1930s recession became the Great Depression because policymakers didn’t take the necessary actions," said Democratic economic adviser Jared Bernstein in a recent Washington Post article.

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Libertarian Party

What are economists saying about the auto bailout?

It should go without saying that the Libertarian Party is philosophically and pragmatically opposed to any sort of bailout to corporations, especially when they’ve been run as poorly as American auto manufactures.  But what are the economists saying about the auto bailouts?  I’ve compiled some snippets from various economists, and put them together here for […]

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Libertarian Party

Free Market Heroes, Vol. 1: Robin Ficker

We at the Libertarian Party often say that we’re in it for the long haul.  We know that much of what we want to do with the government can’t effectively be done overnight, and in addition to that, know that to even begin to implement our reforms in everything from the tax system to the […]

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Libertarian Party

The Time is Now!

"This is just the beginning," says Bob Barr, the 2008 presidential nominee of the Libertarian Party. He couldn’t be more right. The 2008 election was yet another record-breaking year for the Libertarian Party.  Not only did two candidates break the million-vote mark, it was also the first time in the Party’s history that our presidential […]

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Libertarian Party

Make Sure Your Vote Counts!

In these last few days, millions of undecided voters will finally make up their minds for a candidate, and will decide the future of the next four years of this country.  As we have since 1972, the Libertarian Party is representing Americans across the nation by running candidates who believe in less government, lower taxes […]

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Libertarian Party

November 5

Dear Libertarian Supporter, Every four years, generally from the end of May until the beginning of November, the Libertarian Party turns full-tilt into "presidential-campaign mode," when the majority of our efforts are spent finishing up a grueling ballot access drive and gaining the most exposure from a presidential run.  The earned media—that is, media we […]

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Libertarian Party


Start the countdown! Just 10 days left before the presidential election, and we’re making a strong finish down the homestretch. 

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Libertarian Party

Our Newest Ad

Dear Libertarian Supporter, Last week, we talked told you about our first radio ad that we began running nationwide in this last month before the election. Your feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and we wanted to let you know some of the comments we received from you:

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Libertarian Party

“Time” for change

In case you needed more evidence that the debt problem in the United States was getting out of control (largely thanks to "conservative" Republican presidents), the national debt clock has run out of room. It is important to note that the "national debt" is not some fictitious figure that the government will one day have […]

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Libertarian Party

Our First Radio Ad

Dear Libertarian Supporter, Last week, we asked you for ideas on radio ads for the Libertarian Party during the 2008 presidential election. 

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