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Libertarian Party

Test 123

   The Libertarian Party warns that the 5-4 ruling, supported by conservative justices along with Anthony M.

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Libertarian Party

Presidential Candidates Submit Statements for LP News

Presidential Candidates running for the Libertarian Party nomination submitted 175-word statements for the upcoming issue of LP News, the national Libertarian Party newsletter. The following candidates last qualified* for posting of presidential candidates to the web site: Lee Wrights, Bill Still, Carl Person, Gary Johnson, and Jim Burns. Below are their statements:   R. […]

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Libertarian Party

Don’t Waste Your Vote: Vote Democratic!

by William Redpath (reprinted from the December 2009 issue of LP News when Mr. Redpath was writing as Chair of the Libertarian Party) I can’t know what each of you thought when you read the headline above, but probably the most charitable thought was “Poor Bill Redpath. He almost made it to the end of […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Presidential Candidate RJ Harris in the News

The campaign of RJ Harris, Libertarian candidate for president, has been getting news coverage, including in the Oklahoman, the largest newspapers in his home state. "R.J. Harris is running as a Libertarian Party candidate, who also is working on a signature-gathering drive to get the Libertarian Party recognized as a political party in Oklahoma." (Note: […]

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