Hall of Liberty

Hall of Liberty

HALL OF LIBERTY FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Dasbach, Reed, and Turney Inducted into the Hall of Liberty The Hall of Liberty, established in 2012, honors a lifetime or significant achievement that has made a lasting effect on the Libertarian Party and/or libertarian...
Ballot Access

Ballot Access

BALLOT ACCESS FUND FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Break the Two-Party Monopoly: Support Our Fight for Ballot Access   In America, the right to vote is fundamental—but what good is it if your choices are limited? The two-party system has long dominated our...


BYLAWS & CONVENTION RULES FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Current Bylaws & Convention Rules Libertarian Party Bylaws and Convention Rules Adopted in Convention, May 2024, Washington, DC View The PDF Past Bylaws & Convention Rules Libertarian Party Bylaws and Convention...
Award Recipients

Award Recipients

AWARD RECIPIENTS FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow The Hall of Liberty This award honors lifetime or significant achievement that has made a lasting impact on the Libertarian Party and/or libertarian movement. 6 View Hall Of Liberty Thomas Jefferson Leadership Award...
Social Security

Social Security

Social Security Return FollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Byline: We need to defuse the Social Security ticking time bomb before it’s too late. Social Security is in danger: There’s nearly $80 trillion in unfunded liabilities pending over the next 75 years. This...