2024 Award Winner: Spike Cohen

The Thomas Paine Communication Award is for recognition of outstanding communication of Libertarian ideas, principles, and values through written, published, or spoken communication. The recipient of the 2024 Thomas Paine Communication Award is Spike Cohen.

Spike Cohen

Mr. Cohen gained attention for his ability to explain and promote the libertarian philosophy as a result of his co-hosting podcasts such as “The Muddied Waters of Freedom” and “My Fellow Americans.” His work promoting libertarianism was evidently a major factor in his selection as the 2020 LP vice presidential candidate. Since the conclusion of the 2020 campaign, he has continued his efforts to communicate the ideas of liberty through his podcasts and interviews.

Past Thomas Paine Communication Award Winners

1996: Jacob Hornberger
1998: Harry Browne
2000: Michael Cloud
2002: Richard Pearl
2004: Mary Ruwart
2006: John Stossel
2008: Mike Fergusen and Eric Schansberg
2010: Rex Bell
2012: Jim Lark
2014: Sharon Harris
2016: Jason Scheurer
2018: Carla Howell
2020: Larry Sharpe
2022: Steve Horowitz