Samuel Adams Activism Award is for recognition of effective activism by building Party membership. Organizing community outreach, or communicating Libertarian principles. The recipient of the 2024 Samuel Adams Activism Award goes to Marc Mantoni.

Marc Mantoni

Mr. Montoni has been involved in the Libertarian Party for over 40 years. He has served as the chair of the Libertarian Party of Virginia; he served several terms as the LPVA secretary. He also served as the LPVA executive director. He served as a member of the Libertarian Party headquarters staff. He founded several local Libertarian Party organizations, including LP organizations in several counties in Virginia. Since 2016, he has been heavily involved in LP activity in Colorado. In 2022 he was elected to serve as a member of the LP Judicial Committee.

Past Samuel Adams Activism Award Winners

1996: Don Ernsberger
1998: Steve Dasbach
2000: Richard Rider
2002: Bruce Baechler
2004: Jim Lark
2006: Michael Badnarik
2008: Bill Hall
2010: Michael Johnston and Kevin Knedler
2012: Clyde Garland
2014: Hardy Macia
2016: Wendy Adams
2018: Joe Johnson and Alicia Mattson
2020: Evan McMahon and Aaron Starr
2022: David Aitken and Barbara Howe