Ohio petition too slow. Help! Get paid $2.50 each!

Ohio petition too slow. Help! Get paid $2.50 each!

I’ll pay you $2.50 per signature for each signature you collect for the LP Ohio petition drive, subject to the terms below. I need your help! See the graph below. We have to speed up right away! We had hoped to finish this petition drive in December 2017, but it...
Trump is the opposite of a Libertarian

Trump is the opposite of a Libertarian

During the 2016 presidential campaign, some libertarian-leaning voters wanted to give Donald Trump the benefit of the doubt. As a candidate, Trump talked about drastic reductions in spending and taxation, along with “draining the swamp” of its career politicians. He...
Dates of interest to Libertarians: 2018

Dates of interest to Libertarians: 2018

The following is a list of dates of interest to Libertarians in 2018, compiled by Dr. James Lark, Libertarian National Committee regional representative and former LNC chair.   January 6 Pres. Franklin Roosevelt delivers his “Four Freedoms” speech. (1941) 15...