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Excerpts from and links to other news sources and articles discussing the Libertarian Party. 2nd-tier stories.

Libertarian Party

Send Iraqi-U.S. Troop Agreement to Congress, Says Bob Barr

For Immediate Release Saturday, August 23, 2008 It is up to Congress, with constitutional authority over war and treaties, to decide on the length of America’s commitment ‘The Bush administration reportedly has reached an agreement to keep U.S. combat troops in Iraq until the end of 2011,” says Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party’s nominee for […]

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Libertarian Party

Reason takes a hard look at the LP

Dave Weigel, an associate editor of Reason magazine, has recently penned a fantastic article on the Libertarian Party and the potential it has with nominee Bob Barr at the top of the ticket.   The highlight of the article was the focus on the success of the Libertarian message in transforming Barr, who once was […]

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Libertarian Party

Barr: “I Get No Respect”

Though this may be true in respect to Senators John McCain and Barack Obama  (just look at what McCain is doing in PA), this statement just happened to be one line from Libertarian Party presidential nominee Bob Barr’s comedy routine Tuesday night in Philadelphia.  Speaking at Stu Bykofsky’s annual "Candidates’ Comedy Night," Barr brought down […]

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Libertarian Party

McCain and Republican Party Try to Block Barr From Ballot

For Immediate Release Thursday, August 21, 2008 McCain contradicts 2000 pledge to never use supporters to keep candidates from ballot Bob Barr’s presidential campaign has recently learned of an action by the McCain campaign and the Pennsylvania Republican Party to have Barr removed from the state’s ballot, this despite McCain’s promise in the 2000 election […]

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Libertarian Party

Shadow Debate

Not exactly as sinister as it sounds, but Michael Munger, the Libertarian candidate for governor in North Carolina, will be holding his own debate where he will respond to questions that he did not get a chance answer after being excluded from gubernatorial debates.  Munger, chair of the Political Science Department at Duke University, held […]

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Libertarian Party

Barr Calls to Sell Off Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

For Immediate Release Wednesday, August 20, 2008 Taxpayers at risk while McCain and Obama argue over Paris Hilton ads ‘The American people cannot afford to keep bailing out big businesses, lenders, investment bankers, and brokers who made big mistakes,’ says Bob Barr.’With bad financial news continuing to pile up, officials at the Treasury Department and […]

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Libertarian Party

No Foreign Aid for Georgian War, Says Bob Barr

For Immediate Release Monday, August 18, 2008 American taxpayers should not pay for the mistakes of other nations ‘The Bush administration is talking about pumping aid into the damaged Georgian economy, after that nation’s short war with Russia,” says Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party candidate for president. “The conflict between Georgia and Russia was tragic, […]

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Libertarian Party

Voters want Bob!

Are you aware that to get our Presidential Candidate, Bob Barr, into the debates, we need to be polling at 15% or higher? Perhaps you saw our urgent email about this?  According to a new Zogby poll, 55 percent of likely voters want Libertarian candidate Bob Barr included in the presidential debates! 

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Libertarian Party

Create Private Accounts for Social Security, Says Bob Barr

For Immediate Release Thursday, August 14, 2008 Says the U.S. ‘cannot afford to wait any longer’ for reform “The US is facing a financial tsunami as the Baby Boomers retire,’ warns Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party candidate for president, on the 73rd anniversary of Social Security being signed into law. ‘The total unfunded liability for […]

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Libertarian Party

MT governor points out the gorilla

There are all sizes of proverbial gorillas in the room that contains the political campaigns of John McCain and Barack Obama.  Few on the left point out that the oh-so-eloquent Obama stumbles aimlessly through answers to questions when not in front of a telepromter.  Additionally, we all know that it is only a matter of […]

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Libertarian Party

Barr Calls for Commission on Wasteful Government

For Immediate Release Wednesday, August 13, 2008 Recommendations to Serve as Roadmap to Shrink Size, Scope, and Cost of Federal Government In a statement released by the Barr 2008 presidential campaign, Libertarian presidential candidate Bob Barr called for a new commission to address wasteful government. “Federal finances are in a catastrophic condition and are getting […]

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