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Excerpts from and links to other news sources and articles discussing the Libertarian Party. 2nd-tier stories.

Libertarian Party

Will the Feds Bust Santa Claus?

by George Getz (former Director of Communications for the Libertarian Party) When Santa Claus comes to town this week, he’d better watch out — because the federal government may be making a list of his crimes (and checking it twice), the Libertarian Party warned today. "Hark the federal agents sing, Santa is guilty of nearly everything," said […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians Accuse Obama of "Hawkish" Foreign Policy

For Immediate Release Monday, December 22, 2008 Party Says Obama Following Missteps of Bush Administration America’s largest third-party is accusing Barack Obama of pursuing the same “hawkish” foreign policy of his predecessor George Bush. “What we hoped to see with the incoming Obama administration were plans for a total withdrawal from Afghanistan and Iraq,” says […]

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Libertarian Party

California Case Represents Ills of Direct Democracy

There has been a recent push in third-party circles for a move to "direct democracy" in the United States.  Direct democracy, where the citizens govern by majority vote, is often favored by those who wish to circumvent elected officials who those individuals feel cannot properly represent the interests of every U.S. citizen.  In terms of […]

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Libertarian Party

Government Programs Die Hard

For Immediate Release Friday, December 19, 2008 Libertarian Party Warns Against Further Government Spending America’s largest third party is warning against the institution of new government programs in the wake of the current economic crisis. “Government programs tend to linger with disastrous economic consequences,” says Libertarian Party spokesperson Andrew Davis. “Congress needs to exercise extreme […]

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Libertarian Party

Government’s Role in the Economy

When we say that we want to keep government out of the economy, people often ask, "Isn’t that economic anarchy?" At first our "Wall of Separation" commitment (that is, a commitment to keeping a wall of separation between economy and State) may seem a little bit like anarchy; however, we do believe government has a […]

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Libertarian Party

Calamity and Consequence

It doesn’t take much to go from "bad" to "really bad" when government gets involved.  This is especially true when those in power have the philosophy that, "If it’s broken, government can fix it." Unfortunately, far too often government tries to force itself into problem situations with good intentions that have disastrous consequences.  Because many […]

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Libertarian Party

Kansas City Star Needs to be Committed

On Dec. 10, the Libertarian Party put out a press release calling the logic behind the auto bailout, "insane." In it, we stated that "it’s insane that we keep going back to the taxpayers to bail-out struggling corporations who, for lack of good management and sound business practices, have become unprofitable." We also said that […]

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Libertarian Party

Free Market Heroes, Vol. 4: Dr. John Berthoud

There are many different types of anti-tax warriors.  Some use crafty CPAs to get more deductions using the government’s complex rules against it.  Then, there are tax warriors like Dr. John Berthoud, who use reason, intelligence and a broad coalition of anti-tax organizations to reduce taxes and cut government spending.  And while the limited government […]

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Libertarian Party

America's Largest Third Party Turns 37

For Immediate Release Friday, December 12, 2008 Libertarian Party founded on Dec. 11, 1971 The Libertarian Party, America’s third-largest political party, is celebrating its 37th birthday. “Since we began in 1971, we’ve elected hundreds of Libertarians to public office across the country,” says Libertarian Party National Chairman William Redpath. “These Libertarians make a significant impact […]

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Libertarian Party

Barr Condemns Newest Bailout

For Immediate Release Friday, December 12, 2008 Auto Bailout Will Only ‘Compound the Problem’ Former Congressman Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party’s 2008 presidential nominee, issued a statement condemning the proposed $15-billion bailout of the auto industry apparently nearing approval in the Congress. Barr said ‘the Faustian bargain’ the Big 3 automakers reached with lawmakers ‘compounds […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Illinois: Governor Should Resign Immediately

For Immediate Release Friday, December 12, 2008 The Libertarian Party of Illinois (LP Illinois) condemns the recent actions of Democratic Governor Rob Blagojevich and calls for his immediate resignation for the good of the State of Illinois. Blagojevich was arrested on December 9, 2008, accused of scheming to profit from the selling of President-Elect Barack […]

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Libertarian Party

Logic Behind Auto Bailout: 'Insanity'

For Immediate Release Thursday, December 11, 2008 Says only hope for the long-term viability of automakers is bankruptcy and restructuring The nation’s largest third-party is calling for Congress to strike down a measure backed by the White House that would risk at least $15 billion of taxpayer dollars to bail-out the American automotive industry. “It’s […]

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