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Excerpts from and links to other news sources and articles discussing the Libertarian Party. 2nd-tier stories.

Libertarian Party

Your Monday Message

Dear friend, Backed by a growing swing vote that decides elections and support for its economic plans, the Libertarian Party is not an “alternative” political party. “Alternative” implies something outside the mainstream or an unconventional choice.  The Libertarian Party, with its sensible balance of fiscal responsibility and social moderation, is, in fact, the nation’s only […]

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Libertarian Party

Book review: “Recarving Rushmore”

Abraham Lincoln, Bad President. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Bad President.  Andrew Jackson: Bad President. Bill Clinton, Average President. John Tyler: Good President?! What’s going on here? If there’s one thing that really annoys me about libertarianism in general; it’s that every time I think I will find a president I can really like, someone has to […]

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Libertarian Party

KC Star: Will ‘bailout mania’ open door for LP?

The Kansas City Star newspaper today points readers to a blog entry from blogger Nick Sloan, asking "Will bailout-mania open door for Libertarians?" "But at some point – and we may be there already– America is going to be sick of bailouts and stimulus packages. And Libertarians have been the strongest opponents of it and […]

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Libertarian Party

Lotterman: GOP late to party on fiscal responsibility

The next time one of your Republican friends complains about Obama’s spending, point him to this St. Paul Pioneer Press column by economist Edward Lotterman.  Republicans can talk about how they’re "small government" and "fiscally responsible", but history says they’re virtually indistinguishable from Democrats.

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Libertarian Party

‘Mr. Obama, give back my wallet’

A tip of the hat goes to Andrew Roth at The Club for Growth for pointing me to this, from Arnold Kling at the : "It seems likely to me that more people oppose the auto bailout than support it, more people oppose the housing bailout than support it, more people oppose the stimulus than […]

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Libertarian Party

California Libertarians: Budget Deal A 'Travesty'

For Immediate Release Thursday, February 19, 2009 PANORAMA CITY, Calif. — Libertarian Party of California Chair Kevin Takenaga issued the follow statement today regarding the budget deal agreed to this morning by the California legislature: “The budget package passed by the California legislature this morning is an absolute travesty. It shows just how little concern […]

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Libertarian Party

Indianapolis councilman switches from GOP to LP

Ed Coleman, a member of the City-County Council of Indianapolis and Marion County, announced Tuesday he has switched his party affiliation from Republican to Libertarian. "Both of the old two parties have forgotten their ties to the common man, and instead focus on power and control as elitists. I am a common man, I campaigned […]

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Libertarian Party

Statement of Ed Coleman, Libertarian Indianapolis-Marion County City-County Councilmember

For Immediate Release Tuesday, February 17, 2009 At-Large Republican drops GOP label, joins the Libertarian Party INDIANAPOLIS — Ed Coleman, Indianapolis-Marion County City-County Councilmember, released the following statement this morning on his party affiliation switch from Republican to Libertarian: “Good morning. As an At-Large member of the Indianapolis-Marion County City-County Council , I am announcing […]

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Libertarian Party

$196K in tax money for statues of dogs doing, well…

With California is skidding through a state budget crisis and careening into a head-on collision with bankruptcy, taxpayers are angrier than ever at their free-spending Republican governor, Democrat Assembly and local governments. This isn’t going to help. "Artist Scott Donahue of Emeryville, Calif., was paid $196,000 by Berkeley’s public arts program to create two large […]

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