Three Questions That Change A Lifetime

Three Questions That Change A Lifetime

Originally published in LPNews, December 2021   When I was 14 years old, I started paying attention to the political world around me. As a “good Christian girl” from a “good Christian home”, this meant that I started watching The O’Reilly Factor and Hannity and...
The ATF is at it again!

The ATF is at it again!

I’d like to tell you a story about a gun. Shortly after World War II my grandmother was alone on a very rural farm in southern New Mexico while my grandfather was winding down his government job about 8 hours away. Concerned for my grandmother’s safety, my...
War is Over — Again.

War is Over — Again.

The United States’ war in Afghanistan is over. While there is much to say and much more that can never be put into words, let us be clear on this point: The Libertarian Party supports the full removal of US troops from Afghanistan and the end of this failed war. This...