Archive | Features

Press releases and fundraising related items


Missouri: Don’t execute Marcellus Williams

The Libertarian Party condemns the scheduled Aug. 22 execution of Marcellus Williams by the State of Missouri — both as a shocking miscarriage of justice for the individual and as another tragic example of the immorality that lies at the root of capital punishment and its use nationwide. In 2001, Mr. Williams was convicted and […]

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Libertarians condemn bigotry as irrational and repugnant

Libertarian National Committee Executive Director Wes Benedict issued the following statement: The Libertarian Party condemns bigotry as irrational and repugnant, and offers its condolences to the family of the woman killed in Charlottesville, Va. There is no room for racists and bigots in the Libertarian Party. If there are white nationalists who — inappropriately — […]

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Special Event

Special Event – Outreach to Rural America

  You are invited to a special conference call on Outreach to Rural America featuring Apollo Pazell & Brandon Lavy Tuesday, August 22 6 PM Pacific 7 PM Mountain 8 PM Central 9 PM Eastern Apollo Pazell is a political consultant based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Apollo has been highly involved with and managed many campaigns. He has a […]

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I'm with her!

Shirt SALE – standing with Lady Liberty!

Update: This offer expired on August 11th at midnight. You probably have heard this week’s news story about the senior Trump aide who dismissed the Statue of Liberty’s poem that welcomes immigrants. The poem famously says, Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free… It is a cherished line that […]

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Will Republican failure to repeal Obamacare benefit Libertarians?

Last week, Senate Republicans trotted out three different prescriptions to the public-private boondoggle that is Obamacare, with each one failing despite a GOP majority in the upper chamber of Congress. President Donald Trump’s quite literal use of the bully pulpit backfired within his own party. “Sens. Susan Collins, John McCain, and Lisa Murkowski deserve praise […]

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Special Event

Special Event – Basics of Campaign Management

You are invited to a special conference call on The Basics of Campaign Management featuring LNC Representative Sam Goldstein Monday, August 7 6 PM Pacific 7 PM Mountain 8 PM Central 9 PM Eastern To RSVP, click here, fill out the form, and we will send you the call-in information.

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Update from the chair

  Dear Libertarian, This weekend, senior staff and I represented the national party at FreedomFest in Las Vegas. FreedomFest is best described as a libertarian and conservative trade show. It is a diverse event with multiple viewpoints represented on any given issue. It is an excellent opportunity for us to connect with existing supporters and […]

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Join the LP

2,000 Libertarian candidates

  Key advances we’ve made in the last month include: – We funded the budget expansion needed to hire a Press Secretary! LP leaders are now interviewing applicants for that position. The new Press Secretary will be tasked with getting more media attention for our party nationwide. This will help voters have a better understanding […]

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We're hiring!

LPHQ job posting: Development Associate

The Libertarian Party is seeking a to hire a Development Associate to work on membership and fundraising for the national party. Job Description: The Libertarian Party experienced a dramatic increase in membership and fundraising in 2016. The party wants to continue this growth. The new Development Associate will be tasked with calling members and encouraging […]

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Progress as we prepare for 2018

Our party is on a mission to ensure that we have ballot access in all 50 states plus DC for 2018. This will enable every American to vote for Libertarian candidates and is especially important to an ambitious and growing party like ours. We achieved this in 2016 and are on track to do so […]

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