Archive | Features

Press releases and fundraising related items

Special Event - Kyle Varner

Libertarian Solutions for the Health Care Crisis

You are invited to a special conference call on Libertarian Solutions to America’s Health Care Crisis featuring Kyle Varner MD Wednesday, November 8, 2017 6 PM Pacific 7 PM Mountain 8 PM Central 9 PM Eastern Dr. Kyle Varner practices hospital medicine in Washington State and Maine. He earned his BA from St. John’s College, his MD from American University […]

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Original Libertarian Party Statement of Principles, June 1972

LP Historical Preservation Committee seeking interns

The Libertarian National Committee is seeking winter interns to work with its Historical Preservation Committee. Positions are available for in-person experience (weekends, just outside of Denver Colorado) or remotely from anywhere with a good internet connection. Interns would be expected to put in at least 5 hours a week and would be directly supervised by […]

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[W]e favor the repeal of all laws creating 'crimes' without victims, such as the use of drugs for medicinal or recreational purposes.

Trump’s war on opioids will be a disastrous, expensive failure

On Oct. 26, President Donald Trump declared opioid abuse a public health emergency and promised to redirect federal resources to the problem. In his speech announcing yet another war on drugs, Trump told a story about his brother Fred’s addiction to a completely legal substance: alcohol. We all know how disastrous alcohol prohibition was in […]

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All persons are entitled to keep the fruits of their labor. We call for the repeal of the income tax, the abolishment of the Internal Revenue Service and all federal programs and services not required under the U.S. Constitution.

GOP federal spending soars — new boss, same old deficit

Federal spending keeps increasing every year, and the fiscal year 2017 numbers have soared to a record high. Furthermore, the budget deficit is once again on an upward trend. It’s difficult to fathom just how much money is at stake when those numbers reach into the multiple trillions, so Libertarian National Committee Chair Nicholas Sarwark […]

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Feature Dr. George A Zsidisin and Wes Benedict


Dear Libertarian, Several years ago, our national committee decided to purchase an office as a step towards a better financial future for the party. They chose a modest but nice building in Old Town Alexandria and today it serves as headquarters for our national party. The mortgage payment on this building is far less than […]

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Statue of Liberty

Standing up to bullies in Ohio

Dear Libertarian, As you know, the Libertarian Party is determined to achieve full ballot access again in 2018 so that there will be Libertarian candidates on every ballot in America in November. Right now, the primary focus of the national party’s ballot access efforts is Ohio. In Ohio, repeatedly, we have been deprived of ballot […]

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Feature - Special Event - Heather Fazio

Special Event Conference Call – Marijuana Reform

You are invited to a special conference call on Marijuana featuring Heather Fazio Monday, October 30 6 PM Pacific 7 PM Mountain 8 PM Central 9 PM Eastern   Marijuana prohibition has failed our country on so many levels. Thankfully, many Americans have realized this and we are winning more people over on this topic every year. Finding common ground […]

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Make 2018 Epic

Free Lapel Pin with New Monthly Pledge!

Dear Libertarian, It is an exciting time to be a Libertarian. More Americans than ever before realize the need for a strong third party. They are disgusted with the Rs and Ds and know that voters deserve more choices. We are working hard to give them more choices, and better choices. Our team is hard […]

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