A Note From the Chair

A Note From the Chair

Originally published in LPNews, 2022 Spring Edition We all came to the Libertarian Party from somewhere, for some reason. We all defend or promote freedom in our own unique ways. Different approaches reach different people who are looking for their new political home....
Platform Committee Survey

Platform Committee Survey

The Platform Committee has created a survey regarding the potential proposals they will present at the national convention in Reno next month. Your feedback will greatly help the committee finetune and potentially pare down its proposals as well as decide the order in...
Turning Over a New Leaf

Turning Over a New Leaf

As Libertarians, we are accused of being recalcitrant and obstinate. We don’t play well with others and we fight amongst ourselves. Today, we wanted to change that. Today, we wanted to do something nice for once. The Libertarian Party is officially turning over a new...