End the War on Poverty

End the War on Poverty

The U.S. spent over $1.6 trillion in welfare in 2022 alone, which is $1.2 trillion more than what was spent on welfare in the early 1960s when the War on Poverty began. There are now over 100 million who have received assistance of some kind in America when factoring...
Immigration Reform

Immigration Reform

Immigration has reached a crisis primarily due to perverse incentives that the government has created between state welfare, and foreign interventionist policies and actions, by the United States. The Libertarian Party supports open and free migration in tandem with...
Medical Freedom

Medical Freedom

Government vaccine mandates for Covid-19 around the world forced medical experimentation onto unwilling subjects. Through fear-based propaganda, governments lied to people to get them to believe that everything was fine and that there would be no harm from the shot....
Justice Reform

Justice Reform

The Libertarian Party demands the repeal of all criminal laws which punish someone who has not infringed upon the physical body or outer property rights of another, or who has not made an imminent threat of physical harm with impending action. This means that any law...
Drug Legalization

Drug Legalization

The War on Drugs is a war on all of us. Drug offenses are the leading cause for arrest in the United States with over 1 million arrests in 2020 for possession alone. Some 2.5 million people are incarcerated in the U.S. over drug crimes, which is 1-in-5 people in the...