Search results for "border"

Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party TV ad campaign in Georgia

From the Georgia LP: Atlanta GA — Labor Day is viewed as the official start of the political campaign season leading up to the November general election. To kick off the season, the Libertarian Party of Georgia has produced a television ad designed to introduce its gubernatorial candidate Andrew Hunt and remind voters there is […]

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Libertarian Party

Florida Libertarian completes brewery tour

Libertarian Adrian Wyllie, running for governor of Florida, has completed his 30-day campaign tour of Florida craft breweries. In a story about Wyllie’s visit, Panama City’s News Herald writes: At the heart of his campaign, Wyllie strives to uphold constitutional basics and minimize government intervention across the board on all economic and social issues. Read […]

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Libertarian Party

Lee Hieb on her Libertarian campaign for Iowa governor

Dr. Lee Hieb Libertarian Dr. Lee Hieb was recently interviewed by the Omaha World-Herald about her campaign for governor of Iowa. Lee Hieb recalled the day when members of Iowa’s Libertarian Party asked her to run for governor. “I’m not a politician,” Hieb told them. To which they responded, “That’s your best qualification.” Hieb is […]

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Libertarian Party

TN city councilman elected to county commission

Wallace Redd Libertarian Wallace Redd, who has been serving on the Clarksville, Tenn., city council since 1996, was elected to the Montgomery County Commissioners in the 16th district on Aug. 7. Redd garnered 384 votes for 61 percent of the vote in the nonpartisan one-on-one race, and defeated Loretta Bryant, a former commissioner. Bryant had […]

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Libertarian Party

Newspaper wants Libertarian Sarvis in Virginia debates

Robert Sarvis, LP Virginia Candidate for U.S. Senate The Roanoke Times has called for Libertarian U.S. Senate candidate Robert Sarvis to appear in the upcoming candidate debates in Virginia. Currently, only the Republican and Democratic candidates will be allowed to participate. The newspaper writes: Just how much power should the federal government have to sweep […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians storm Louisiana ballots

From an Aug. 26 press release by the Libertarian Party of Louisiana: Last week was candidate registration for the Louisiana fall elections and we are pleased to announce that Libertarians qualified to run for office across the state in record-breaking numbers! There were six federal candidates and thirteen local candidates, a total of nineteen Libertarians. […]

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Libertarian Party

Vermont GOP leaders endorse Libertarian candidate for governor

Dan Feliciano Libertarian for Governor In a rare display of principle on the part of GOP operatives, an impressive lineup of Republican party leaders and lawmakers in Vermont have endorsed Libertarian Dan Feliciano for governor as a write-in candidate for the GOP primary. Their endorsements stem from disapproval of Republican Scott Milne’s weak stance on […]

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Libertarian Party

30,000 New Yorkers Support Libertarians on the Ballot

From the New York LP: Albany, NY — The Libertarian Party of New York submitted over 30,000 signatures Tuesday to afford New Yorkers an alternative to the failed policies of the two major parties.  Libertarian Party State Chair Mark Axinn commented, “Once again, the Libertarian Party has amassed enough signatures so that voters can choose […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Umbehr for governor in Kansas polling at 9%

Keen Umbehr Libertarian for Governor A Public Policy Polling survey shows Kansas Libertarian for governor Keen Umbehr polling at 9 percent in a tight race where both Democrat Paul Davis and Republican Sam Brownback are failing to gain traction with voters. Davis and Brownback polled at 39 and 37 percent, respectively, with 15 percent undecided. […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party: Police should stand down in Ferguson, MO; end failed drug war

For Immediate Release Thursday, August 14, 2014 Militarized police in Ferguson, Mo., after the August2014 shooting death of Michael Brown. Tear gas, unrest, controlling the press, and the killing of alleged innocents are outcomes one would expect politicians to rationalize as inevitable in a war zone. But these atrocities are happening in American cities — […]

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Libertarian Party

New Jersey Libertarians fight for fair ballot position

Patrick McKnight,LP New Jersey Chair The New Jersey Libertarian Party is considering legal action after the New Jersey Division of Elections declared that the Democrats and Republicans had met the voter threshold to get advantageous positions on the general election ballot. Usually, the Democrats and Republicans get the preferred far-left positions on the ballot. Then […]

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