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Libertarian Party

In first, New Hampshire Union-Leader endorses Libertarian for president

Breaking with a 100-year streak of endorsing Republicans, the New Hampshire Union-Leader, the state’s newspaper of record, endorsed Libertarian Gov. Gary Johnson for president. From the September 15 the editorial: “Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson is back in New Hampshire today, and we encourage Granite State voters disgusted by the choices they face in this […]

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Libertarian Party

Quinnipiac Poll: Johnson at 13%

In a Quinnipiac poll released September 14, Libertarian Gov. Gary Johnson polls at 13 percent. The poll puts Democrat Hillary Clinton at 41 percent and Republican Donald Trump at 39 percent. 57 percent of respondents say Gary Johnson should be allowed in the debates while 53 percent say they have no opinion of him.  “Translation: The […]

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Libertarian Party

Columbus Dispatch: Open up the presidential debate

From the Columbus Dispatch on September 9: “Given that a majority of Americans dislike the two major-party candidates for president, the Commission on Presidential Debates should open up the first presidential debate to one or more third-party candidates. “The likeliest contender is Gary Johnson, the former two-term Republican governor of New Mexico, now running as […]

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Libertarian Party

Winston-Salem Journal endorses Gary Johnson

From the Winston-Salem Journal editorial board on September 11: “We’ve surprised even ourselves with this endorsement, our first for a Libertarian for president. But the timing has never been better for this particular Libertarian, Gary Johnson of New Mexico. He is everything the presidential candidates for the two major parties are not, thank God. “Johnson […]

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Libertarian Party

Former Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels to host talk with Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson at Purdue

From the Indianapolis Star on September 6: “Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson will visit Purdue University next week for a public forum with university president Mitch Daniels, his campaign announced. “The event will be held at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 13, at the France A. Cordova Recreational Sports Center, 355 N. Martin Jischke Dr. in West Lafayette, and is open to […]

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Libertarian Party

Spiked: Gary Johnson – a pro-freedom president?

From on September 5: “Meet the one candidate it might be worth supporting. “In July, Gary Johnson, the two-term Republican governor of New Mexico, from 1995 until 2003, was busy explaining to a New Yorker journalist why he gave up trying to be the GOP’s presidential candidate: ‘You can’t get beyond those [early primary […]

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Libertarian Party

Washington Post: Gary Johnson – Our two-party system has failed, just like our founders said it would

From Libertarian Party presidential candidate Gary Johnson in the Washington Post on September 7: “With the Republicans and the Democrats having nominated their most polarizing presidential candidates in more than a generation, now is the moment for a third way. “My running mate, Bill Weld, and I were both two-term Republican governors in heavily Democratic states. Both of […]

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Libertarian Party

Denver Post: In a first, Libertarian candidate in Colorado’s U.S. Senate race qualifies for major debate

Lily Williams From the Denver Post on September 6: “Colorado’s U.S. Senate race begins in earnest this week with a major surprise: The Libertarian candidate will participate in the first debate. “Lily Tang Williams will join Democrat Michael Bennet and Republican Darryl Glenn at the Club 20 debate Saturday in Grand Junction — a significant […]

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Libertarian Party

Reason: Growing Media Chorus Says Presidential Debates Are ‘Rigged’

From Matt Welch of on August 30: “Yesterday, for a second time, the Chicago Tribune editorialized in favor of letting Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson into the three presidential debates scheduled between Sept. 26 and Oct 19. ‘The hurdle in Johnson’s way,’ the editorial board correctly observed, ‘is the terms set by the private, […]

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