Search results for "trump"


LP congratulates Perry for opportunity to abolish Department of Energy

A modest congratulation The Libertarian Party extends a hearty congratulations to Gov. Rick Perry for his announced nomination by President-elect Donald Trump to head the Department of Energy. “Gov. Perry has a rare opportunity to head one of the agencies he pledged to abolish,” said Nicholas Sarwark, Chair of the Libertarian Party. “Even though most […]

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The National Interest: What the Libertarian Party Wants on Foreign Policy

From an article by Lauren Daugherty published in the National Interest on December 12: “This year, record numbers of Americans voted for Libertarian candidates. The Libertarian presidential nominee, Gov. Gary Johnson, received over four million votes [4.5 million votes as of December 13], three times the previous record. For perspective, four million votes is about […]

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Kankakee County Board’s Byrne Joins Libertarian Party of Illinois

From a press release issued by the Illinois Libertarian Party on December 7:  Kankakee County Board Representative Jim Byrne, R-Bradley, announced today he has officially joined the Libertarian Party of Illinois. Byrne will serve as the Vice-Chairman of the new Kankakee County Libertarian Party central committee that was formed and recognized by the Libertarian Party […]

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Arizona Capitol Times interviews LNC chair Nicholas Sarwark

From the Arizona Capitol Times on November 21: Most Arizonans probably don’t know that their state is home to the chairman of a national political party. Since 2014, Nicholas Sarwark has chaired the Libertarian National Committee. An Arizona native, Sarwark returned home to Arizona several years ago after living in Colorado and Maryland, and planned […]

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Logo - Richmond Times Dispatch

Richmond Times-Dispatch: Gary Johnson remains the best choice for president

From the Richmond Times-Dispatch, hometown newspaper of Hillary Clinton’s Democratic VP running mate, Tim Kaine: “In three previous editorials we have explained why Gary Johnson remains the only sensible choice for president. From his business and executive experience to his positions on the issues, he stands head and shoulders above his two principal competitors, Hillary Clinton and Donald […]

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Logo - Post and Courier

Two more newspapers endorse Gov. Gary Johnson for President

South Carolina’s most-circulated newspaper, The Post and Courier of Charleston, has endorsed Gov. Gary Johnson for President. In an editorial published in this Sunday’s edition, The Post and Courier made its case for Gov. Johnson by stating that “it’s grimly obvious that a record number of voters are thoroughly dismayed by what they justifiably see as their lack of a positive White House […]

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Pause to thank Johnson & Weld

I wanted to pause for a moment to thank Governors Gary Johnson and Bill Weld for running for President and Vice President. Running for office as a Libertarian can be a very rewarding activity, but it’s also very challenging. I am so glad to have two such highly qualified people representing the Libertarian Party at […]

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Undecided voters are ready for YOU

  Dear fellow Libertarian, There may never be another election in our lifetime when so many voters have remained undecided this late in the election. There may never be so many people showing up at the polls on Election Day who are still undecided. The sample ballot or hand card you give them that day […]

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John Stossel

John Stossel: A Better Choice

From an article by John Stossel in The Patriot Post on October 18: Hillary Clinton is a manipulative, power-mad liar. Donald Trump is a selfish, sexist, narcissistic bully. These are our choices Nov. 8? The leading candidates’ avarice is bad enough. Their ideas are worse. Clinton wants to micro-regulate America into poverty and stagnation. Trump […]

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Libertarian Party

John Stossel: A Better Choice

Jon Stossel From an article by John Stossel in The Patriot Post on October 18: Hillary Clinton is a manipulative, power-mad liar. Donald Trump is a selfish, sexist, narcissistic bully. These are our choices Nov. 8? The leading candidates’ avarice is bad enough. Their ideas are worse. Clinton wants to micro-regulate America into poverty and […]

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