Search results for "border"

Libertarians clean the National Mall in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, 2019.

Libertarians organize park cleanups nationwide

If you turned on the news last week, you probably saw images of overflowing trash at national parks during the government shutdown. When a Libertarian Party member in another state suggested that Libertarians organize a trash pickup at the National Mall, I reached out right away to the nearby affiliate leaders to share the idea. […]

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Libertarians clean the National Mall in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, 2019.

Libertarians clean up capital mall, now it’s time to clean up government

The partial federal government shutdown is entering its fourth week. So far, the biggest inconvenience to the general public seems to be overflowing trash cans in national parks. Libertarians advocate private, voluntary solutions to public problems, so a group of Libertarians in Washington, D.C., and Northern Virginia decided to take direct action by cleaning up […]

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American foreign policy should seek an America at peace with the world. Our foreign policy should emphasize defense against attack from abroad and enhance the likelihood of peace by avoiding foreign entanglements.

Syrian troop withdrawal a good first step

The United States began air strikes in Syria more than four years ago, with a rationale for intervention that morphed from fighting Islamic State terrorists to demanding regime change. More than three years ago, the United States sent in ground troops — a number that quickly grew from 50 to 2,000 soldiers — even though […]

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Make freedom your single issue.

2018 Libertarian Party victories and 2019 goals

Dear Libertarian, Thanks to the efforts of committed Libertarian Party members like you, 2018 was a landmark year in many ways. We had 53 candidate wins at the ballot box, 38 of them prevailing in the general November election in Arizona, California, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Vermont. Jeff Hewitt, […]

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Jeffrey Hewitt portrait standing in dark suit and red tie in front of American flag (color photo)

Greenhut: Libertarian Hewitt wins, sets example being ‘outspoken in the positions he championed’

In a January op-ed for the Orange County Register, public-employee pension expert Steven Greenhut praised as a “model for the state” Libertarian Mayor Jeff Hewitt’s work ending Calimesa’s dependence on the state’s fire-protection bureaucracy, enabling the city to avoid exorbitant pension costs. Following a suspenseful ballot-counting process in a very tight race, Hewitt has garnered […]

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2020 Presidential Ballot Access - Dec. 17, 2019

2020 presidential ballot access!

The Libertarian Party came out of the 2018 midterm elections with the best ballot access that any third party has achieved at this stage in the election cycle since 1914! We currently have ballot access for our 2020 presidential ticket in 33 states and DC. That is exactly double the 17 states in which the LP […]

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Libertarians resolve to support development of Liberland

Liberland is a new republic organized according to libertarian values, on a disputed piece of land about the size of Gibraltar, 2.7 square miles, between Serbia and Croatia. Liberland’s president, Vit Jedlička, was a guest at the quarterly meeting of the Libertarian National Committee on Dec. 1–2. He asked the LNC to approve a resolution […]

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Jeff Hewitt

BREAKING NEWS: One of the biggest wins in LP history!

Dear Libertarian, Political success doesn’t happen overnight. Winning a single political campaign requires countless hours of work to qualify for the ballot, hone a message, reach out to potential constituents, and persuade the voting public that you’ll do a better job representing them than the other candidates would. That single winning campaign also builds on […]

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LNC Vice Chair Alex Merced, Chair Nicholas Sarwark, and Secretary Caryn Ann Harlos

Our playbook

Friend, Super Bowls are won in the off-season. When the TV cameras aren’t rolling, football players spend their months conditioning, strength training, and running plays. Those months and years of preparation determine who wins on game day. The same holds true in politics. Elections are won through months, and years, of preparation and work long […]

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Private landowners and conservation groups have a vested interest in maintaining natural resources. Governments are unaccountable for damage done to our environment and have a terrible track record when it comes to environmental protection.

Market forces are better than feds at fighting fires

As of this writing, 79 people have perished in California’s Camp Fire. The town of Paradise has been largely incinerated, leaving many in the town of nearly 27,000 people homeless, and 699 people are still reported missing. Fighting other devastating fires earlier in the year left Cal-Fire’s $443 million annual budget nearly depleted before the […]

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