2024 Award Winner: Dr. Jo Jorgensen

The Thomas Jefferson Leadership Award is for recognition of outstanding leadership, high character, and dedication to the principles and goals of the Party. The recipient of the 2024 Thomas Jefferson Leadership Award is Dr. Jo Jorgensen

Dr. Jo Jorgensen

Dr. Jorgensen was the Libertarian Party presidential candidate in 2020 and the vice presidential candidate in 1996. She was the Libertarian candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in the Fourth Congressional District of South Carolina in 1992. She was a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Libertarian Educators. She is a principal lecturer in the Department of Psychology at Clemson University.

Past Thomas Jefferson Leadership Award Winners

1996: David Nolan
1998: David Bergland
2000: Ed Clark
2002: John Perry
2004: Ron Crickenberger
2006: Harry Browne
2008: Ruth Bennett and Jim Lark
2010: Bill Redpath
2012: Sharon Harris
2014: Pat Dixon
2016: BetteRose Ryan
2018: Julie Fox
2020: Ken Moellman, Emily Salvette
2022: Jim Turney, Mark Hinkle