Dasbach, Reed, and Turney Inducted into the Hall of Liberty
The Hall of Liberty, established in 2012, honors a lifetime or significant achievement that has made a lasting effect on the Libertarian Party and/or libertarian movement. Nineteen Libertarians have been inducted into the Hall of Liberty. The 2024 Hall of Liberty inductees are Steve Dasbach, Lawrence Reed, and Jim Turney.
Steve Dasbach
Mr. Dasbach served as Libertarian National Committee chair during the 1993-1996 and 1996-1998 terms; he also served as LNC vice chair and as a regional representative. He served as the LP’s executive director in 1998-2002. He was an outstanding activist in Indiana, Virginia, and South Carolina; he received the LP’s 1998 Samuel Adams Award for outstanding activism. He served as manager for the LP’s 2022 presidential campaign of Jo Jorgensen and Spike Cohen.
Lawrence Reed
Mr. Reed served as the president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy and the president of the Foundation for Economic Education. He served as a professor of economics at Northwood University. He is the author of several books, including Excuse Me, Professor.
Jim Turney
Mr. Turney is a city commissioner of Altamont Springs, Florida; he was elected as a Libertarian. He has been a prominent Libertarian activist in Virginia and Florida. He served as Libertarian National Committee chair in 1985-1988; he also served as an LNC at-large representative and a regional representative. For many years he served as the videographer of the libertarian movement.
Past Hall of Liberty Inductees
2014: Harry Browne and Richard Winger
2016: Ron Paul and Bill Redpath
2018: Ruth Bennett, David Bergland, Ron Crickenberger, Jim Lark, and John Perry
2020: Karl Hess, Gary Johnson
2022: Don Ernsberger, Geoff Neale, Dave Walter