Libertarian Party: The Only Presidential Choice for Liberty Still Standing
For Immediate Release Wednesday, February 3, 2016 With Sen. Rand Paul's announcement today that he is suspending his campaign, the Libertarian Party nominee will be, indisputably, the only choice for small government in the 2016 race for President of the United...

Nevada State Assemblyman John Moore Joins Libertarian Party
For Immediate Release Friday, January 8, 2016 Assemblyman John Moore LAS VEGAS, Nevada,January 8, 2016 -- TheLibertarian Party of Nevada (LP Nevada), the fastest growing political party in the state, today announced Nevada State Assemblyman John Moore has joined the...

Maine official knocks Libertarians off ballot; LP fights back
For Immediate Release Tuesday, January 5, 2016 For legal inquiries, please contact Libertarian of Maine's attorney, John H. Branson of Branson Law Office, at 207-780-8611. To schedule an interview, contact LPME state chair Jorge Maderal at: JMaderal at Hotmail dot...

Open Letter to Muslim Republicans
For Immediate Release Monday, December 14, 2015 Dear Muslim Republicans, I share your outrage and hurt at Donald Trump's recent comments and policy suggestions aboutMuslims.Ishare your outrage and hurt that he still is polling well among Republicans. I share...

Ds and Rs cement No Child Left Behind while claiming eased regulations
For Immediate Release Thursday, December 10, 2015 U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R) Today President Barack Obama signed into law the latest in the federal government's long string of education mandates, this time a bill dubbed the 'Every Student Succeeds Act.' The...

Libertarians say stop reckless Middle East interventions, honor freedoms of innocent Muslims
For Immediate Release Wednesday, November 25, 2015 It is easy to feel outrage, anger, and fear in response to the terrorist attacks in France and elsewhere. But in order to preserve life and liberty, keep America safe, and restore peace, the U.S. response must...

LP to New York: Cease and desist your rigged state lottery ; leave fantasy sports alone
For Immediate Release Wednesday, November 11, 2015 In the face of New Yorkattorney general Eric Schneiderman'sissuing ofcease-and-desist orders tofantasy sports operators DraftKings and FanDuel, theLibertarian Party calls for the state of New York and every other...

Old Parties Collude on Budget Deal to Put Americans Deeper in Debt
For Immediate Release Tuesday, October 27, 2015 The White House, along with Democratic and Republican politicians in Congress, released a budget deal on October 26 that throws more cash at Big Government programs and raises the debt. It also subverts the budget caps...

Libertarian Party: Stop Border Patrol drug-busting of U.S. citizens
For Immediate Release Wednesday, October 21, 2015 A CBP officer scans a car dashboard with a density meter in Arizona. Photo: Customs and Border Protection Washington, D.C. -- Agents of U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) in the southwestern United States are...

Libertarian and Green Parties Sue FEC for Anti-Trust Violations in Presidential Debates
For Immediate Release Tuesday, September 29, 2015 Attorney Bruce Fein is interviewed after filing lawsuit at U.S. District Courthouse. Washington, D.C. -- The Libertarian and Green parties, along with their respective 2012 presidential candidates, Gov. Gary Johnson...