Affiliate Support Fund
Dear Libertarian, Helping our state and county parties grow and expand is critical for the recruitment and success of our future candidates. Did you know that the national Libertarian Party has a staffer whose job is focused completely on supporting state and local...
Libertarian Valentine
Happy Valentine's Day from the Libertarian Party.
Libertarians praise House bill to end Dept. of Education
Rep. Tom Massie (R-KY) The Libertarian Party strongly supports U.S. House bill H.R. 899, which was filed today by Rep Tom Massie (R–KY), along with seven co-sponsors, to abolish the federal Department of Education. “Libertarians are encouraged to see a bill that...
Civil asset forfeiture is legalized theft by government.
For Immediate Release February 8, 2017 Yesterday, at a meeting with sheriffs, President Trump commented about ruining the career of a Texas legislator that proposed a bill to reform civil asset forfeiture. "We'll destroy his career," the President said. The legislator...
Libertarian Party wins court case against the FEC
For Immediate Release February 2, 2017 In a victory for more open presidential debates, a US District Court ruled yesterday against the Federal Election Commission (FEC) in Level the Playing Field et al v. Federal Election Commission, in which the Libertarian Party is...
Libertarians cautiously hopeful Trump will reduce regulatory burden
Today Libertarians praised President Donald Trump’s goal of reducing federal government regulations by 75 percent and expressed hope that his plan to counter any new regulation with the elimination of two existing regulations serves to reduce the massive regulatory...
Libertarian Party to Muslims: We stand with you.
For Immediate Release January 29, 2017 In the early morning hours of January 28th, a fire broke out in the Victoria Islamic Center in Victoria, TX. It quickly destroyed the whole building. The cause has not officially been determined. Two weeks ago, another mosque,...
The Libertarian Party opposes restrictions on peaceful immigration
For Immediate Release January 27, 2017 The Libertarian Party welcomes peaceful people into this country and is the only political party that is still willing to stand up for the values inscribed on the Statue of Liberty: "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled...
Libertarian Party accuses Senate subcommittee of aiding child sex traffickers
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) “Politicians love to grandstand ‘for the children,’ even when their policies destroy children’s lives,” said Nicholas Sarwark, Chair of the Libertarian Party, in response to a US Senate subcommittee’s dragging representatives of Backpage.com,...
LP to GOP lawmakers: End Obamacare’s individual mandate NOW
Nicholas Sarwark, Chair of the Libertarian Party, released the following statement today: If the GOP is to actually keep its promise to repeal Obamacare, it needs to immediately end the law’s mandate to buy medical insurance, and immediately end any associated tax...