Organize a #LPTaxProtest
Dear Libertarian, It's that time of year when my friends send me a text while filing their taxes to say "I've had it, I'm joining the Libertarian Party." Tax season provides us with an extra-opportune time to share the benefits of cutting taxes, such as: Putting more...

2018 Libertarian Party Annual Report
Dear Libertarian, I want to share with you our 2018 Annual Report. You can download and view it here. Here are some highlights: Our voter registration is up 92% over the last 10 years. In 2018, we had 833 candidates on ballots in November. This is an increase of about...

Today: Elite Eight round of March Mayhem convention theme contest!
Quick! Make your play! The 2020 Pay-to-Play Libertarian National Convention Theme Contest brought in 63 submissions, resulting in 58 unique themes. So far, voting has brought the donation total to $15,536 toward convention expenses! ONLY the top four themes will...

Help support competitive elections in Illinois
Dear Libertarian, Since its inception, the Libertarian Party has been an outspoken advocate for competitive elections and has encouraged people to get involved in their government. Here in Illinois, the current election law prevents competitive elections and magnifies...

Help fix Georgia’s broken elections
The election system in Georgia is broken, and a new bill may make it worse. But you can help fix it. Both Republicans and Democrats take every opportunity to stack the deck in their favor — at all levels of government. They desperately want to keep real competition...

Support your favorite convention theme in March Mayhem contest
Hurry and take your shot! The 2020 Pay-to-Play Libertarian National Convention Theme Contest brought in 63 submissions, resulting in 58 unique themes. The second round of voting brought the donation total to $14,349 toward convention expenses! ONLY the top 16 themes...

Record high $22 TRILLION national debt
As Reason reported on March 11, President Donald Trump’s budget would add $7.9 trillion to the national debt over the next decade. The national debt, currently exceeding a record $22 trillion, has become one of the biggest threats to our national security and...

Hurry! 2020 Libertarian National Convention Theme Contest deadline
Hurry, before time runs out! The regular season of our 2020 Pay-to-Play Libertarian National Convention Theme Contest is coming to a close on March 15! Only the 16 themes that have the highest vote totals will advance to the tournament phase of the competition. One...

Want to end gun violence? End war, including the war on drugs
On Feb. 27, the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives passed a new gun control bill, the “Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019,” with a 240-190 vote that largely split along party lines. The bill would extend requirements for background checks for transfers...

It’s been 20 years
I joined the Libertarian Party as a member 20 years ago today. We have made so much progress during that time. Here are 3 of my favorite stats: We have twice the ballot access access that we did 20 years ago. We have 92% more registered Libertarians than we did just...