Making a difference

Making a difference

Dear Libertarian, Let me share a heartwarming story with you about the difference an elected official can make is someone’s life. Libertarian Cara Schulz serves on the city council in Burnsville, Minn., and her experience in office provides a powerful example: Cara...

It’s time for an America at peace

It’s time for an America at peace

Dear Libertarian, For far too long, the United States has relied more on our military might than diplomacy. For far too long, the United States has pursued bellicose policies abroad in the name of safety and freedom, policies which in fact make the world less safe and...

All LP National Convention packages now available!

All LP National Convention packages now available!

Join us at the next Libertarian National Convention, May 21–25, 2020, in Austin, Texas! Convention is coming! All the packages are finally here! Whether it’s bronze, silver, or gold, since there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch, get your package early and save some...

Help us reach our goal!

Help us reach our goal!

We are less than $5,500 away from our fundraising goal for this month! Please help with a donation today. Your contribution recruits candidates, trains them, and puts them on ballots!

Republican shenanigans

Republican shenanigans

Dear Libertarian, A couple of months ago, the Arkansas state legislature pulled some shenanigans and rapidly pushed through an "emergency bill" to make it nearly three times harder for us to get ballot access there. Why? Because Republicans are scared to compete with...

Notice for Awards Committee applicants

Notice for Awards Committee applicants

Applications to serve as a member of the 2020 Libertarian Party Awards Committee will be accepted until July 12, 2019. The Libertarian National Committee will probably select the members of the Awards Committee at its meeting in Austin, Texas, on July 27–28, 2019....