Archive | 2018

Join us for the Gala!

Join us for the Libertarian event of the year!

If you are attending the 2018 Libertarian National Convention and haven’t bought a ticket to the Gala yet, please consider doing so soon! This event has generated so much excitement and we’re having to expand the room to seat all the folks who plan to attend! Jeffrey Tucker and Laura Ebke will be speaking and […]

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Autumn Browne standing in front of an American flag, smiling, shoulder-length red hair (color photo)

Three California Libertarian candidates assured spots on November ballot

At least three Libertarian write-in candidates in California, including Autumn Browne, the daughter of Libertarian presidential nominee Harry Browne (1996 and 2000), will appear on the ballot this November. California is subject to a top-two primary system, where all candidates appear on all voters’ primary ballots, and only the top two finishers in each race, […]

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Nicholas Sarwark, chair of the Libertarian National Committee, files his candidacy for mayor of Phoenix

Libertarian Party Chair Nicholas Sarwark runs for mayor of Phoenix

Nicholas Sarwark, chair of the Libertarian National Committee, files his candidacy for mayor of Phoenix. Nicholas Sarwark, chair of the Libertarian National Committee, is officially a candidate for mayor of Phoenix, Ariz. When Sarwark filed for the office, he quoted Irish poet John Anster’s interpretation of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: “Whatever you can do, or […]

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Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Feds lose and abuse massive numbers of immigrant children

Hopelessly complex immigration laws make it nearly impossible for people seeking a better life to live and work legally in the United States, and deprive our country of the economic expansion that immigrants bring. As several recently publicized cases demonstrate, these draconian immigration restrictions also lead to widespread negligence and abuse within the enforcement system, […]

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Libertarian Party

‘Amarillo Pioneer’: Texas Libertarians nominate 2018 statewide candidates

Delegates to the Libertarian Party of Texas convention held April 14–15 nominated their candidates for state and national office for this year’s general election. The Amarillo Pioneer reported on the results on April 16. From the article, “Libertarian Party nominates statewide candidates for 2018”: Over the weekend, the Texas Libertarian Party convention in Houston included speeches […]

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American foreign policy should seek an America at peace with the world.

A missed opportunity for Korean peace

North Korea and South Korea have technically been at war since 1950. The recent historic meeting of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in in the demilitarized zone provides ample evidence that both North Korea and South Korea want peace. The scheduled summit between Kim and President Donald Trump in Singapore […]

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Libertarian Party Bylaws and Convention Rules

2018 Libertarian Party Bylaws Committee survey

Fellow Libertarians, After each Libertarian National Convention, a Bylaws and Rules Committee is established to consider and recommend proposed amendments to the party’s governing documents. The Bylaws Committee consists of 10 members, no more than five of whom must be non-members of the current Libertarian National Committee; this year’s members are M Carling, Andy Craig, […]

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Lady Liberty silhouette in front of yellow MIchigan map silhouette, with text 'Libertarian party of Michigan' (color graphic)

Libertarian Party breaks Michigan record with contested gubernatorial primary

Ballot Access News reports that for the “first time in Michigan history, a third party has a contested gubernatorial primary.” From the April 19 article by Richard Winger: On August 7, 2018, Michigan holds primaries for the Republican, Democratic, and Libertarian Parties. The Libertarian primary ballot will list two candidates for governor, Bill Gelineau and John […]

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Original Statement of Principles

Historical document found!

Pictured here is a copy of the original Statement of Principles as typewritten by John Hospers at the 1972 convention. The existence of this original document was unknown until it turned up on an ebay listing, was purchased by a Libertarian Party member, and then donated to the Party. The seller said that her parents […]

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