
Nicholas Sarwark, Chair of the Libertarian National Committee, made the following remarks in New Mexico at the Election Night celebration for the Libertarian presidential ticket.

Hello Libertarians!

It is an honor to stand here on this stage tonight after the two greatest candidates that the Libertarian Party has ever had!

…the candidates that have had more success than the Libertarian Party has ever had in 45 years!

…the only candidates willing to go out there and stand up for the people that are not heard in this country!

…the only candidates to stand up for the independent voters that outnumber Republicans or Democrats, to stand up for the young voters that are the future of this country, to stand up for the military voters who sacrifice their lives in other countries’ civil wars for the profit of corporate cronies supported by the Democrats and the Republicans!

When the Commission on Presidential Debates cheats with both hands to silence Gary Johnson they are silencing those voices.

And that is why they will not survive.

I cannot tell you how proud I am of Gary Johnson and Bill Weld.

There are not words to express how thankful I am for their commitment to hold the Libertarian Party banner high, to show America that there is another option, to show people that you can vote for something you believe in, not against something you hate.

I’m so proud that in easily quadrupling the highest vote totals that the Libertarian Party has ever gotten in a Presidential election, Gary Johnson has shown the old party politicians that there is a group of Americans that are brave. There is a group of Americans that are strong. There is a group of Americans that have the courage that made this country, who will speak out, rebel, defy, and stand for those who don’t have a voice.

We have many victories to celebrate. Here are just a couple. We’ll update you more in the days ahead as the election results are finalized. In New Mexico, the Libertarian Party became a major party tonight. In Oklahoma, the vote total there was over the threshold to maintain party recognition, something that was bought with thousands of hours and over a hundred thousand dollars. We also received the vote percentages to retain ballot access in a number of other states including Texas and Arkansas.

As we come out of this election, stronger than ever before, the work continues. This is not the end. This is the just beginning.

Ladies and gentleman, we are winning and we have won tonight.

And you should all be proud of what we have done here.

Thank you for your support of Gary Johnson.

Thank you for your support of the Libertarian Party.

Viva Gary! Viva Libertarios!

Nicholas Sarwark