Dear Libertarian,

This weekend, senior staff and I represented the national party at FreedomFest in Las Vegas. FreedomFest is best described as a libertarian and conservative trade show. It is a diverse event with multiple viewpoints represented on any given issue. It is an excellent opportunity for us to connect with existing supporters and to attract new ones.

This year, the Libertarian Party got unprecedented traction at FreedomFest. I was invited to participate on three panels: two were on the main stage and one was a gun control debate with Dr. Michael Shermer. LNC alternate and candidate for governor of New York, Larry Sharpe, moderated a panel focused on what we need to do to succeed in 2018 and 2020.

Staff and I met with donors and activists from around the country and raised over $36,000 this weekend. We are grateful for the strong support of these donors and activists.

Indeed, I think we are turning a corner in our history.

As I told CNN, I have to give thanks to Donald Trump and the Republican Party. Their success in getting control of government and then showing that they can’t do anything once they have that control has been a better argument for joining the Libertarian Party than anything I could say.

We have some incredible opportunities ahead of us in 2018 and 2020.

I’m aiming for us to put 2,000 candidates on ballots in 2018. I think this will help push us towards a tipping point.

But I need your help to do that.

If you want to see us accelerate our growth, and take advantage of the many opportunities before us, please consider investing in the Libertarian Party today.

We can’t wait until 3 months before election day to build our infrastructure and recruit candidates. We must do that critical work now.

Today, I am in D.C., being deposed in one of our lawsuits against the FEC. I’m also meeting with members of Congress on Capitol Hill while here.

There is so much work to be done.

Please partner with us and donate as generously as you are able, today.


Nicholas J. Sarwark
Chair, Libertarian National Committee