Tag Archives | foreign policy

American foreign policy should seek an America at peace with the world. Our foreign policy should emphasize defense against attack from abroad and enhance the likelihood of peace by avoiding foreign entanglements.

US should stop creating chaos in Latin America

Dear Libertarian, Our party calls for the United States to end its policies of intervention and prohibition, which have fueled chaos and violence in Latin America and have led so many innocent people to seek asylum at the southern border. The failed war on drugs is the primary driver of organized crime in the region. […]

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Issue Rack Cards

Help spread Libertarian ideas

Want to help persuade folks about Libertarian ideas on important topics? Try out our very-popular rack cards: general, the economy, gun rights, foreign policy, justice issues, and civil liberties. Give one to a friend or neighbor or use some at your next outreach booth or event. These are designed to present our messaging in a way […]

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LP Chair Nicholas Sarwark speaking at microphone, wearing suit & tie (color photo)

Afghanistan and NATO

Dear Libertarian, You have probably heard the news about the President’s plan to increase American military involvement in Afghanistan. The Libertarian perspective is very different. After toppling the Afghan government almost sixteen years ago, the United States entered into nation building thinking that it would help improve corners of the world that terrorists find inviting. […]

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Convention 28

We denounce last night’s strikes on Syria.

Dear Libertarian, The Libertarian Party denounces last night’s strikes on Syria. Purportedly these strikes were a retaliation for the release of a chemical agent which wounded and killed many Syrians earlier this week. The use of chemical agents against civilians is abhorrent but, according to news reports, the cause of that chemical release is uncertain. […]

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