Want to help co-sponsor one of the largest Libertarian national conventions ever?

If you’d like to help co-sponsor the convention, we have many options from which you can choose.

Would you like to have your own table at the Gala, along with 8 tickets for you and your friends? You can find more info here.

Would you like to be part of the Welcoming Committee, and have your name listed on signage at the event, as a co-host? You can find info here. (Note: Unlike most committees, there is no work associated with this one! Also, Welcoming Committee members receive a Gold Registration package as part of their sponsorship.)

Would you like the opportunity to tell thousands of Libertarians about your favorite cause, campaign or business with an ad in the Convention Book? You can find more info on that here.

Other sponsorship options include sponsoring the name badges, wi-fi, Presidential Suite, and more. Click here for all of the sponsorship options.

Haven’t booked your convention registration yet? You can do so here.

Thank you for considering co-sponsoring the 2018 Libertarian National Convention and for your support of the Libertarian Party!

I hope to see you in New Orleans, June 30 to July 3, 2018!

Lauren Daugherty
Head of Development