by Libertarian Party | Feb 21, 2017 | News
The February issue of LP News is ready to view online. Click here to read coverage of our victory against the FEC, elected officials joining the Libertarian Party, LP campaign activities, candidate endorsements, national and affiliate party accomplishments, and...
by Libertarian Party | Feb 9, 2017 | News
Rep Caleb Q. Dyer Today Rep. Caleb Dyer, who was elected to the New Hampshire legislature in 2016, announced at a press conference his switch to the Libertarian Party. Dyer was one of eleven candidates out of twenty who won at-large seats in the Hillsborough 37...
by Libertarian Party | Feb 9, 2017 | Features
Rep. Tom Massie (R-KY) The Libertarian Party strongly supports U.S. House bill H.R. 899, which was filed today by Rep Tom Massie (R–KY), along with seven co-sponsors, to abolish the federal Department of Education. “Libertarians are encouraged to see a bill that...
by Libertarian Party | Feb 8, 2017 | News
Sharon Dubois Vice Chair, LP Kansas From a column by Sharon DuBois, vice chairwoman of the Kansas LP, published in the Kansas City Star: With the turmoil surrounding the new administration escalating, this seems to be a good time to remind the public that their...
by Libertarian Party | Feb 1, 2017 | News
LPKS Chair Rob Hodgkinson Taking advantage of a rare opportunity, the Kansas Libertarian Party (LPKS) will hold a convention in U.S. House District 4 on February 11 to nominate a candidate for the congressional seat vacated by Congressman Mike Pompeo, who has been...