Immigrants benefit the United States

Immigrants benefit the United States

In a recent story, the Orlando Sentinel wrote about a local official who had quoted the libertarian-leaning former radio host Neal Boortz when he tweeted, “name just ONE country that was improved in ANY WAY by the addition of more Muslims.” The answer is easy: The...
Immigrants benefit the United States

Immigrants benefit the United States

In a recent story, the Orlando Sentinel wrote about a local official who had quoted the libertarian-leaning former radio host Neal Boortz when he tweeted, “name just ONE country that was improved in ANY WAY by the addition of more Muslims.” The answer is easy: The...
See our list of 837 Libertarian candidates

See our list of 837 Libertarian candidates

Click here to see our 2018 list of Libertarian candidates. We’re constantly adding new names, and removing a few as well. If you see that any candidates are missing, please e-mail our Candidate and Affiliate Support Specialist, Bob Johnston, with any details right...