by Libertarian Party | Dec 7, 2018 | Features
Dear Libertarian, Political success doesn’t happen overnight. Winning a single political campaign requires countless hours of work to qualify for the ballot, hone a message, reach out to potential constituents, and persuade the voting public that you’ll do a better...
by Libertarian Party | Dec 5, 2018 | Features
Friend, Super Bowls are won in the off-season. When the TV cameras aren’t rolling, football players spend their months conditioning, strength training, and running plays. Those months and years of preparation determine who wins on game day. The same holds true...
by Libertarian Party | Nov 21, 2018 | Features
As of this writing, 79 people have perished in California’s Camp Fire. The town of Paradise has been largely incinerated, leaving many in the town of nearly 27,000 people homeless, and 699 people are still reported missing. Fighting other devastating fires earlier in...
by Libertarian Party | Nov 9, 2018 | Features
On Nov. 7, President Donald Trump demanded the resignation of U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, effectively firing him from the position. Sessions had a dismal and destructive track record of supporting prohibitionist policies, draconian border controls and...
by Libertarian Party | Nov 6, 2018 | Features
Dear Libertarian, I am asking you to vote today. Libertarians are notorious for not voting. This hurts our cause. I know all the lines about how “it is just one vote” and “it won’t make a difference.” But collectively, it does make a...