The Libertarian Party Given Minority Party Status And Committee Appointments In Wyoming


Cheyenne, Wyoming — On Wednesday, February 16, Wyoming House of Representatives Speaker Eric Barlow named the Libertarian Party an official minority party in the state legislature for the first time in state history. This was done when he announced that freshman Libertarian Representative Marshall Burt had been appointed to the Corporations Committee, a distinguished honor rarely given to representatives in their first term.

“We are incredibly proud of Representative Burt, and thrilled to see his work setting precedent for other elected, and soon to be elected, Libertarians around the country. He embodies integrity and principle, and is demonstrating the value a third voice at the partisan political table can bring to our collective discourse.” — Whitney Bilyeu, Chair of the LNC 

This acknowledgement comes alongside the anticipated passage of Wyoming House Bill 81, which is authored by Representative Burt and has tri-partisan support. This bill would amend motorcycle operation and equipment requirements and repeal a handlebar height restriction to allow for use by persons with disabilities. 


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